38 Results for Europe

American Domestic Affairs during WWI Though the WWI was started in Europe and had to do with European problems and didn't really have to do with America at first, when we got involved it changed our country forever. The war started mainly over a man named Franz Ferdinand who was the archduke of Aust...
Contents 1 Introduction 2 The American-German History 2.1 The First German Settlers in the USA 2.2 The American-German Relationship before and during the Second World War 2.3 New Evaluation of the American-German Relationship after the Second World War 2.4 The Vietnam War and the Firs...
Dominique Tappy 7F - 04 October 2000The Origins of the Cold WarThe Cold War was a struggle between conflicting universal values. In the West, the concepts of a market economy and a multi-party democracy were cherished as necessity. In the East, single party statism and a command administrative econo...
Dennis Rasmussen Essay question # 2 Dr Dennis Casey History 1301War of 1812If you look at one small aspect of this war you could infer, had the United States been able to stay neutral this war might have been avoided. In reality I don't think this war was anymor...
Ten years ago a pill was developed in France, it was informally called RU-486, it's intent was to give women wanting an abortion an easy alternative to surgery, but is America ready for this revolutionary pill? Since the late 1980's when America first got wind of the fact that Europe had developed ...
From years 1505 to 1870, the world underwent the largest forced migration in history. West Africa was soon to be convulsed by the arrival of Europeans and become the advent of the transatlantic slave trade. Ships from Europe, bound for America, appeared on the horizon, and their captains and sailor...
Currency, the Beginning, the Present , and the Future "Money - in the traditional sense no longer exists. It died two decades ago when Richard Nixon forever abolished the gold standard. Since then, money as we once knew it has been replaced by an unstable new global medium of e...
Globalization is an apparent concern in our world today. Not only are countries trading goods and conducting business with one another, they are also exchanging cultures and religious beliefs on some levels. While there are still many drastic differences between the developed countries and the und...
In an era of sound bytes, television attack ads, political blogs, and twenty-four hour national news cycles, it can be difficult to imagine that politics once was different. For one, it was more local. In the Nineteenth Century, and through a good part of the Twentieth Century, Democrats and Repub...
Military innovations created during the American Civil War have played a vital role in the efficiency and victory of the Union armies. Military innovations during the Civil War came in more than one form. New strategies, weapons, and tactics all contributed to the ultimate victory of the North ove...
It has been some years since foreign laborers were in common in Japan. Recently, we can see the foreign laborers everywhere in Japan. While foreign laborers have been increasing, the number of people going abroad has been increasing year by year. And it comes to be very common to go abroad on vaca...
The history and genealogy of my family on my father's side is difficult to write. Not because it is complicated or shrouded in mystery or intrigue, but because there is no written history of it; no documents, no diaries, no letters. What little exists has been passed down verbally from my Dad's gr...
The Chicago Stockyards, Upton Sinclair, and The Jungle; A Fight for Social Justice The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were difficult time, from the end of the civil war to the beginning of the industrial revolution, the moments in that era reflected an unsettled and constantly c...
Automobiles in the 1950's The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear picture of automobiles in the 1950's and the impact the automobile had on American society. The 1950's were a time of economic growth for America, where income exceeded car prices and vision was limited only ...
There are three things which are important to keep in mind when considering the American phenomenon. One is its size (huge), the other is its history (short but eventful), and the third, diversity, is both a result of the first two and a contributing factor in shaping the United States' unique role ...
"There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion. Let it once enter our civil affairs, our government would soon be destroyed. Let it once enter our common schools, they would be destroyed." Supreme Cour...
Currency, the Beginning, the Present , and the Future"Money - in the traditional sense no longer exists. It died two decades ago when Richard Nixon forever abolished the gold standard. Since then, money as we once knew it has been replaced by an unstable new global medium of exchange that is called ...
First, I'd like to say that there are tree types of colonies: colonies of settlement, Colonies of Exploitation and contested settlement colonies. In this Project I will hopefully try to explain all of them and go trough some history.ยท Colonies of Settlement:When Citizens of the colonizing country m...
The American Revolution has been traditionally studied as a single, unified movement of colonial forces fighting against the imperial British. As well as this description makes for a nice grade school story, it is important to understand that in the course of several years that composed the latter h...
Frederick Jackson Turner THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRONTIER IN AMERICAN HISTORY In a recent bulletin of the Superintendent of the Census for 1890 appear these significant words: "Up to and including 1880 the country had a frontier of settlement, but at present the unsettled area has been so broken int...
Marriage: Then and NowJohn Scanzoni developed a model of marriage that is considered by many to be the preferred norm for American marriages even today. His model was based on specific roles for each partner divided strictly along sexual lines. This model marriage includes a husband who is the wa...
Automobiles There was no greater symbol of the 1920's than the automobile. The impressive leather coaching and customized interiors radiated luxury and prosperity. The relative ease of operation and reliability meant freedom. Beneath their hoods many of the cars exhibited impressively large eng...
Most Buddhists, when asked, will tell you that Buddhism is not a religion but a teaching or guide to help one cope with the grim facts of life. In essence, Buddhism is about confronting and accepting death and suffering as an inevitable aspect of life. It teaches that resistence is futile, and ha...
Suffrage is the term used to describe the right to vote as a natural right. When people are without it, they work hard in order to have it. Without having the ability to vote, one cannot have a say in what goes on around them. The most influential period for women and their fight for the right to vo...
Gay Marriages - Why is Society Afraid? You meet someone special and start to form a connection. Soon the sharing of your hopes, joys, and fears begin. Soon after this friendship develops into love, and you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person. They are not only y...