155 Results for Europe

The outbreak of war in Europe in 1854, the Crimean War, broke up the cooperation Europe, led by four powers-Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia-tried to maintain, solidify, and improve after the Napoleonic Wars. Even worse, into two separate hostile groups: mainly the west with France and Britain,...
The restless state in Europe after World War I can be attributed to the poorly established peace treaties. The peace treaties of 1919 through the 1920's developed common ideas in order to prevent a future war and settle disputes. Agreements to disarm amongst nations provided a sense of security...
"The alliance system, which had kept Germany out of war for so long, has forced us into one." For almost a century after the fall of Napoleon in 1815, Europe has been largely peaceful. Until now. With the Franco-Prussian War, and other revolutions in 1848, the systematic dismantling of...
"Describe the factors that enabled European corporations to accumulate huge profits from their enterprises begun in Africa between 1885 and 1914." Several factors enabled European corporations to accumulate huge profits from their enterprises between 1885 and 1914. These events include...
The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations were major contributing factors into the rise of totalitarian dictatorships, especially in Europe, following the First World War. The symptoms of the treaty led to hostilities in most of Europe, and the lack of power propagated throughout Europe by...
The black tidal wave of racism and xenophobia spreads further over Europe. While it affects millions of people and spreads over the entire social life, it merely encounters disorderly resistance or lax resignation. Irresponsible politicians and media think of ways to make a profit from it. Racism an...
World War I started due to a culmination of several long and short term factors involving aspects of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, alliance systems, and physical conflicts occurring over a forty year period. The industrial revolution brought around a radically different Europe than there ha...
There are many pros and cons that go with the idea of appeasement, but overall appeasement is a poor method used to resolve situations. To appease means to pacify or conciliate, basically it was a method used by the great powers in Europe to keep Germany from becoming an international threat. Sadly...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
It is commonly known that one of the greatest discoveries in human history is that of Christopher Columbus' voyage in 1492. When he first set foot on the shores of South America, he had no idea how much he would affect so many people, animals, and agriculture for hundreds of years. After tha...
"She has a lot of chutzpah to talk like that!" Chutzpah is Yiddish for nerve. Yiddish came about between the ninth and twelfth centuries in southwestern Germany as an alteration of Middle High German dialects to the special needs of Jews. To the original German were added those Hebrew w...
Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill were contemporaries of Hitler, and each had his own opinion about appeasing him. They completely disagreed about what should have been done. In Neville Chamberlain's speech In Defense Of Appeasement he supports "peace" at all costs for Europe, regardless of...
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed about traveling overseas. Strange lands, exciting places, and new cultures have always fascinated me. I've always wondered what it would be like to speak another language, to grow up learning different customs, or to live in a completely different way than I ...
The years between 1939 and 1945 marked a historical time known as the Holocaust. This genocide led to the unnecessary death of approximately six million people throughout Europe. A large percentage of the victims were children of all ages. Born to fend off hatred and discrimination, these childre...
Large scale nationalistic values arose in 19th century Europe. This was a time when the majority of the political systems favored liberalism, a belief that there should be a free market economy and also people were rewarded because of their talent not there inherited privilege. Nationalism can be...
During the 100-year period of 1814 to 1914 every social group throughout Europe embraced the ideology of nationalism. Its success was largely due to the fact that it offered something for everyone regardless of social or political status. It had no specific ideas for government or economy, just si...
World War I was a war that broke out in August 1914 when peace was shattered throughout Europe after the death of Francis Ferdinand. The Great War lasted from 1914 to 1918. One side was the allies France, Britain, Russia, and the United States. On the other side were the central powers G...
During the 100-year period of 1814 to 1914 every social group throughout Europe embraced the ideology of nationalism. Its success was largely due to the fact that it offered something for everyone regardless of social or political status. It had no specific ideas for government or ec...
Since Poland is a country that has a lot to offer, the EU will benefit from having Poland as a one of its member states. This essay will examine the advantages, which the EU will take of having Poland in the Union, by looking at natural, economic, and social aspects. By looking at these points in de...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level. Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
Following the Second World War, many European countries were wiped out. The result of the activities of the Third Reich had left Europe\'s political system of nation-states dismantled and devastated, and most importantly, the European economy lay disrupted in ruins. In result of this, there was a wa...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
The Congress of Vienna, the organizing conference of coalition against Napoleon and France, was a major building block in the future of Europe for years to come. The Conservative Political and Social views of the leaders of the time lead to a successful peace settlement to end this Napoleo...
A question asked throughout human history is: "Is humanity inherently good or evil?" This question is a theme in the story "Young Goodman Brown," and the movie "Contact." Both the story and the movie had themes of good and evil. In the story "Young Goodman Brown,&q...