26 Results for Europe

Italy the Age of the Renaissance During the period 13th and 16th century Europe was in a state of great ebullition and new classification. Wars, revolutions, politico-economical transition, social convulsions and illnesses overwhelmed fatally the stability of Europe. During the period of two c...
French Revolution and NapoleonEurope has been the focal point in history for hundreds of years. It has been the stating and ending place of many empires. Europe in the Nineteenth Century was a very critical point in history. Wars were being fought, boundaries of countries changed, countries were b...
The Middle Ages was a period in Western European history that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire between the 4th and 5th centuries and lasted up into the 15th century. Medieval Europe was far from unified. It was a large area split into small, culturally diverse units that were never totall...
Why did it take so long for the European Nations to defeat Napoleon With Napoleon beginning his military career in 1796-7 with victories in the Italian Campaign, a new form of an old threat was realised in Europe. It was obvious that Napoleon was a general to be feared, as the leader of the mo...
Renaissance in Italy In part three of Jacob Burckhardt's book, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, he writes that the Italian Renaissance was shaped by "..not the revival of antiquity alone, but its union with the spirit of the people..." The spirit of the Italian people re...
The era known as the Renaissance began approximately around the beginning of the fifteenth century. The philosophy behind the whole movement is one of \"rebirth\" or the re-establishing of ancient classical culture. Following the collapse of the Roman civilization, much of Europe fell into decline,...
The Middle Ages, the Early Renaissance, and the High Renaissance are only three ages individually but as a whole helped shape our modern philosophies and ideas of art and influenced generations of artists among them, Leonardo Da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini, and Giotto. Among there many works of art ther...
A booming economy along with the communes desire to obtain political power led to the formation of a new class in society which ultimately lead Europe into a period simply known as the Renaissance. Northern Italy's thriving economy was a result of great advances in shipbuilding. Their ships we...
The spiritual attitude that dominated the Romanesque age was not as strong and sure during the Gothic period. In the Romanesque age, people believed that the world was a God-inspired mystery that could be expressed in simple, direct art. In the Renaissance that followed the Middle Ages, people be...
Peter Paul Rubens, a Flemish Baroque painter of the sixteenth and seventeenth century focused his work namely upon the nude, a typical fixation, especially with Italian-based artists during the Renaissance and Mannerism periods. Italy - particularly Florence and Rome – was at the heart of the Ren...
The spiritual attitude that dominated the Romanesque age was not as strong and sure during the Gothic. In the earlier period, people believed that the world was a God - inspired mystery that could be expressed in simple, direct art. In the Renaissance that followed the Middle Ages, p...
When a culture constantly evolves and changes it truly is a healthy culture indeed. Since the beginnings of the Pagan warriors to the skilled and accomplished craftsmen of the Renaissance, the European world was drastically transformed. The literature of every epoch indicates the profound cultural i...
A common observation of current society demonstrates the link between art, music, drama, and literature and social norms, politics, scientific trends and discoveries, and religious and philosophical discussions. In some cases, it is difficult to discover whether it was, for example, the art that inf...
From his coming to power in 1922 Mussolini had one clear policy that would play a major part in how he ruled Italy for the next twenty one years. His vision was to raise Italy's prestige in the eyes of the world and attempt to re -create an empire to rival that of Ancient Rome. To achieve this,...
Living in the nineteenth century was not easy, especially for people living in the city of Rome. The opera, \"Tosca,\" by Giacomo Puccini, takes place in Rome during unstable times. Giacomo Puccini was a descendant of a family of musicians and he is considered one the most important Italian opera co...
The greatest of medieval civilizations was the Eastern Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was divided in 395. The Western half, ruled from Rome, was ruled by the barbarians in the 5th century. The Eastern half, known as the Byzantine Empire, lasted for more than over 1,000 years. The Byzantine Empir...
Compare Italian and South Asian migration to Australia in the second half of the twentieth century.Migrants in Australia have had a lot to do with how this country is shaped, from the very beginning when white settlers first arrived on our shores. In comparison with the rest of the world, in particu...
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica in Ajaccio on August 15, 1769. It was by chance that the future ruler of France was born as a French citizen. His christening name, Napoleone Buonaparte, was Italian, and his parents had just immigrated to Corsica from Italy in the 16th century. ...
The Renaissance was a \'rebirth\' or renewal of many of the classical ancient Greek and Roman beliefs. The Renaissance began in the city-states of Italy, the center of trade in Europe. Many wealthy merchants and bankers became patrons of the newly developing styles and ideals of Renaissance art. Ma...
A culture that evolves and changes through time is a healthy culture indeed. From the early pagan warriors to the artisans of the Renaissance, the European world dramatically reformed. The literature of each era indicates the profound cultural innovations. The Anglo-Saxon's arguably most important l...
The Renaissance was a period by which modern scholars consider as that between 1350 -1600. Abundant in this new age was inventions and individualistic beliefs. Changes in music and cultural behavior were some of the most evident development from its predecessor of the Middle ages. Period of new inve...
Nationalism is a popular sentiment that places the existence and well-being of the nation highest in the scale of political loyalties. In political terms, it signifies a person's willingness to work for the nation against foreign domination, whether political, economic, or cultural. Nationalism al...
Raphael\'s \"School of Athens\" is considered by many art historians to be the absolute masterpiece of the Renaissance. It is the perfect pictorial counterpart to the enormous changes in thinking that came about in the 1300s as a result of economic and technological developments. Its rational perspe...
The Renaissance in SpainWhen the new colonies were formed in the New World, it brought a great deal of wealth and prosperity to Spain. The immense resources in North and South America were being exploited; this trade was controlled from the Iberian Peninsula. Charles of Spain, later became Emperor...
The Similarities of the Renaissance and Contemporary EraHistorically, the Renaissance era developed societal, ethical and moral behaviors for its future known as the Contemporary period. The study of the Renaissance era, during the past few weeks in class, captures the magnificent ideas...