101 Results for Europe

Europe in the 12th century A.D. was in many ways the same as Europe in the 14th century, but in certain key ways it was also different, with many changes for the better. First of all, in the 12th century, Europe was still in the Middle Ages. Emphasis was on religion, and science was not very adva...
The Renaissance The "rebirth" of art, religion, and education in Europe is known as the Renaissance. During this time of rebirth, Renaissance thinkers dismissed the medieval period as a dark age of worthlessness. Instead, a style of classical age inspired a respect for order, perspective, propor...
The Renaissance The "rebirth" of art, religion, and education in Europe is known as the Renaissance. During this time of rebirth, Renaissance thinkers dismissed the medieval period as a dark age of worthlessness. Instead, a style of classical age inspired a respect for order, perspective, propor...
The advancements of Greece, Rome and the Dark and Middle Ages set the foundation for modern European culture. Through literature, inventions, and the church Europe evolved into a distinct civilization. Greece influenced modern Europe with their advancements in literature and the written language....
Medieval towns were much more advanced then the feudal world surrounding them. These medieval towns popped up all over medieval Europe in the sites of the old cities. Medieval towns had many more opportunities for the common people then feudal communities did. In the feudal world you could only ...
Three crusades transformed Western Europe; these crusades had many affects. Crusades come from the Latin word crux meaning "cross" and crusaders, the men who fought in the crusades vowed to "take up the cross". During the first crusade Arab Muslims conquered Jerusalem and t...
Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It was first recognized in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take his place. That was when feudalism was established as the main system of government and way of life in M...
Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It was first recognized in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take his place. That was when feudalism was established as the main system of government and way of life in M...
Feudalism and how it worked Adam MossI have just read an article on Feudalism in a Britannia magazine.Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It was first recognised in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take h...
THE DEMISE OF THE MONGOLS The Mongols were nomads, people who depended mainly on livestock for their livelihood. They were constantly on the move in response to seasons and searching for better grazing for their herds. This moving about also created opportunities and channels for trade with ...
The Crusades One great theme of the middle ages would have to be the crusades and how they changed history in many different ways. The crusades changed a lot of things about society in that day including helping trade and also sparking interest in other cultures which paved the way for the renaiss...
Charlemagne was born April 2, 742. After he beat the barbarians he restored education and culture while he took his place in political rights. Churches became the "driving force" of Charlemagne's life after he devoted himself to them. He became the sole king of the Franks after his br...
Occidental and oriental clash How dangerous and full of tension may be the society where there reside and develop more than one civilization. Different causes and small events may trigger great and disastrous events. It might be that even more difficult case would be if those civilizations do no...
Feudalism is the system of governing whereby semiautonomous nobility have certain responsibilities to the king, in return for the use of grants of land, known as fiefs, in which semi-free peasants, known as serfs, are employed to labor the land. As the Roman Empire crumbled, emperors granted land...
The Renaissance was considered to be a great period of change in the cultureand society of Western Europe. The Renaissance started in Italy and slowlyspread throughout Europe. The church was still a major political, social andeconomic power as well as primary patron of the arts. An emerging middle ...
Following trade routes by land and sea, carried by infected humans as well as by rats and their attendant fleas, in the fourteenth century, the Black Death spread all over Europe at incredible speed. Where ever it hit the plague had tremendous repercussions. Its effects varied from the short to th...
During the Middle Ages, French society, along with the rest of Europe, revolved around the warrior class. In order to gain land and power nobles gave their services in the military and lived violent lifestyles. Treatment toward women during this period was harsh. "In a society of landed nobility ...
Europeans had many reasons to risk their live in a really long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Many new technological advancements such as the cannons, new ships, magnetic compass and the astrolabe- helped make the trip something possible. Eventually Captains didn't have the money to afford t...
Individualism During the Renaissance, individualism was a noteworthy concept which emerged during the era. It stressed personality, uniqueness, genius, and full development of one's capabilities and talents. Before this idea materialized, recognition of remarkable individuals of the Dark A...
The Decline of The Islamic EmpireThere was once an immense empire known as the Roman Empire, it was once the dominant force in Europe and had almost complete control of Europe. The Roman Empire had 55 rulers overall. The empire had an excellent government but they had trouble with keeping a ruler. I...
War, What is it Good For? "O bravest of knights, descendants of unconquered ancestors, do not be weaker than they, but remember their courage....Set out on the road to the holy sepulchre, take the land from that wicked people, and make it your own....Set out on this journey and you will ob...
Through out history rulers and those in power have often sought greater control and attempted to secure more authority. During the Middle Ages power was usually obtained by either being victorious in battle, inheritance, or by entering in some sort of contract. One of the most powerful of all rule...
The word "renaissance", meaning "rebirth" is perfect to describe the renaissance because the renaissance was a period of creativity and rediscovery (Farah and Karls 402). Developments in art, architecture and literature spread from Italy to the rest of Europe as people revisited the past stories of...
The Conflict Between Christendom And Islam Since Islam came into being, it has clashed numerously with the already established Christianity. Their rivalry has never ceased until today. Modern Examples would be Bosnia and Lebanon. There were not only military clashes but political a...
An Age of Progress During the time period of 1200 to 1500, a vast society in Europe was emerging from the Middle Ages and was beginning to grow towards the period of the Renaissance. This period encountered numerous problems, such as in lifestyle, growth, disease, and environment. Despite thes...