102 Results for Europe

World War II was a huge, colossal conflict between several powerful nations. Everything in its path was ravaged and destroyed. World War II was the single handedly the harshest battle the world had seen, and people will forever remember the toll it took on everyone and everything. It was declared ...
World War two was the most diverse conflict ever to take place. From its starting point in central Europe it then escalated to North Africa, Russia and the Pacific. Due to advances in military technology, such as tanks, submarines and improved aircraft, battles were no longer stagnant and drawn -o...
There are many people that say it never happened but there is no room for denial in a topic like this. The holocaust did happen and it was a terrible thing. There are so many wrong things that happened during the holocaust. One of the worst things I believe that happened were the murders and kill...
Hitler and His Downfall To many World War II has been the most devastating war in human history. It had been global military conflict that caused the loss of millions of lives as well as material destruction. The war began in Europe in September of 1939. It ended on May 8, 1945. This day was marked ...
One of the most devastating and frightening time-periods of our history was during the Second World War, when between five and six million Jewish civilians were killed throughout Europe in a mass genocide. A large portion of the Jews were killed by the Nazis under Hitler's regime. However, thousand...
Tarek El ZeinHolocaust Jesus or Hitler?Anti-Semitism was widespread in Europe at the time Hitler came to power. Much of this anti-Semitism was rooted, first, in religious beliefs that arose more than 1500 years before Hitler came to power, and second, on political beliefs, often cynically exploit...
World War 1 is a dramatic point of the history of the world. This war that killed many people from all over the world started because of many causes. First cause of the war was European nations ruled smaller countries, called colonies, and they competed with each other to get more colonies. Seco...
Throughout Europe, democracy had prevailed by 1919. But by 1939, Europe's countries were split in their ways of government. Eastern countries went authoritarian, while Western countries stayed democratic. Dictatorship in Europe was by far not something new, but this new, modern form of total...
Gustav Stresemann - - Weimar Foreign Policy When Gustav Stresemann became the foreign minister of the Weimar republic in 1923 it was after two years as chancellor of the Weimar republic. During this time he was able to see, firsthand, the effects of the economic and political isolation upon Ger...
Between June 1941 and May 1945, six million Jews were systematically annihilated under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. However, because of Germany's firm control over most of Europe, information about theFinal Solution? wasn't leaked to the presses until a year later. In June 1...
This paper will investigate the U.S. role in the largest amphibious assault in history. This is better known as D - Day. This marked the turning point of the war in Europe and the beginning of the downfall of Aldof Hitler's brutal rein of Europe. The paper will split the subject into three parts.....
The major factor leading to an incident can be described as the determining factor, as it is the one most responsible for the event's occurrence. Hitler, the man who led Germany with an aggressive foreign policy and a desire for world domination is most obviously this factor. However, Chamberla...
The only successful attempt to conquer Russia was by the Mongolian army under the leadership of the great Genghis Khan in the 1200s. Many other historical figures have tried to repeat his accomplishments, which somehow eventually led to their downfall. Adolf Hitler was the most recent to try to dupl...
The Treaty of Versailles: Prelude to WWII The Treaty of Versailles was not a justified treaty, which created German feelings of revenge and dislike towards the victorious countries. This feeling of revenge felt by Germany, in addition with the social atmosphere of Europe, led to a Second World Wa...
In the late 1800's and the early 1900's the people of northern Europe, southern Africa and Asia were in despair. They had no leaders. They were defenseless. India had been taken over by the British Empire and now the 315 million Indians were under the rule of the 100 thousand British soldiers the...
In the late 1800's and the early 1900's the people of northern Europe, southern Africa and Asia were in despair. They had no leaders. They were defenseless. India had been taken over by the British Empire and now the 315 million Indians were under the rule of the 100 thousand British soldiers the...
The Holocaust- an historical overview Jewish life in Europe The Jews have had a very bad life, as a religion goes any way. Even in roman times thay have been persecuted for the religious beliefs. Thay had no rights what so ever, and thay were often used a religious sacrifices for the Roman...
World War II began in the year of 1939 and lasted until 1945. It was the most devastating war the world has ever faced. Many countries fought in this war, and consequently, had numerous casualties, both from people in the military as well as civilians. The United States played a major role in...
Chapter5 1.The enabling law: - the law that Hitler instating basically shifting the power around so the Chancellor had the all of the power in Germany. 2. Von Papen: - the person in charge of getting Hitler in to power was given the post of Vice Chancellorship and head of the Prussian estate. ...
The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to be a peace agreement between the Allies and the Germans (Bailey, 1972). However, the treaty sparked political discontent and economic chaos in Germany, as it represented the results of hostility and revenge and opened the door for a dictatorship and a sec...
Six million Jewish residents of Eastern Europe were exterminated during the Holocaust of the 1940's. Families were taken out of their homes and put into ghettos, which were large prison type establishments that housed dozens of people in one small apartment. They were then separated from their fam...
The years 1933 through 1945 are most commonly referred to as the Holocaust, which was the destruction of some six million Jews by the Nazis and their followers in Europe. "The general meaning of Holocaust is the great or total destruction of life." Anther word for Holocaust is genocide, ...
Adolf Hitler was the Führer of Nazi Germany and the driving force behind the attempt to exterminate European Jewry. By the end of 1941, Hitler was, almost certainly, committed to a plan to murder all the Jews living in territory, either directly controlled by Germany or in the German sphere of ...
The word holocaust is a word that we have heard at one time or another. It means different things to different people. It is a word that brings up negative thoughts. Words like prejudice, death, genocide, and world domination are associated with the Holocaust. The Holocaust is accepted event in w...
In the late 1920's a German dictator and War veteran called Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany. In his campaign he promised the people of Germany that he would make their country great again. German voters loved Hitler's optimism, all of Europe was caught up in the depression and the ...