39 Results for Europe

The black tidal wave of racism and xenophobia spreads further over Europe. While it affects millions of people and spreads over the entire social life, it merely encounters disorderly resistance or lax resignation. Irresponsible politicians and media think of ways to make a profit from it. Racism an...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
Both today's society and 1984's society have a significant similarity that ties them together; they both share the fear of opposing thought. The foundation of 1984 is the destruction of the opposing thought. The ideas and attitudes of Big Brother are the only ones that, legally, are allo...
How could the United States let millions of innocent people be starved, brutalized, and discriminated like they were in World War II? Easily, they did not want to get involved. The US stayed neutral in WWII until the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese on December 07, 19...
Adolf Hitler was a brilliant man, a charismatic leader, and a harsh dictator. His promises of a better life for nationalistic Germans allowed him to successfully rise to power and attempt world domination. He ruled through terror and left a staggering death toll of six million Jews. Hitler...
Between 1873 and 1896, Europe, and the world experienced a period of economic stagnation, often referred to as the "Great Depression" of the nineteenth century. Anti-Semitism spread throughout this time in Germany. Jews were blamed for whatever may have been wrong, by public officials, and politicia...
Adolf Hitler What is greatness? Who can be considered as a great person? When we talk about a person being great, we often think about a good or a hero type of a person. We sometimes think of greatness as a heroic title to a person. A person with good qualities and a person that has great...
Since the beginning of Christ, Jews have been fated from the mainstream of society. They have often been outcaste and therefore marginalized. Germany\'s defeat in World War 1 and a worldwide depression in the 1930s left the German economy in ruins and made many Germans angry and resentful. Adolf Hit...
Many protesters of "Operation: Iraqi Freedom" claim that it is pre-emptive and unnecessary. Many of the supporters, on the other hand, are stating the exact opposite of these claims. Many are going so far as to say that Saddam Husein and his regime have been committing such atrocities ag...
The events surrounding the rise of Stalin in the Soviet Union and the rise of dictators like Mussolini and Hitler in Europe proved to be a defining mark of the 1930\'s and early 1940\'s. As such, these dynamic figures ushered in a new era in which the West was brought face to face with words such a...
Nazi identity In July 1932, Hitler and the Nazi party won 230 seats in the Reichstag elections, becoming the single biggest party in the Reichstag. "Ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer". This phrase, which means "one people, one state, one leader" forms the elemental foundation ...
The stage was being set throughout Europe in the late 19th century with anti-Semitism running in the veins of most Germans and other European nations. This answer to the 'Jewish Question" was to be addressed by Heydrich and Himmler at the Wannsee conference in their 'Final Solution....
Anti-Semitism had been around in Germany and the whole of Europe for hundreds of years prior to World War One. Many scholars trace German anti-Semitism back to the time of Martin Luther and even farther back into history. So is it a fair assumption to say that World War One was the turning point in ...
Throughout Europe around the time of World War II, there were many countries who became totalitarian. Specifically, Italy, Germany, and Russia evolved new government systems as a result of many factors, some from World War I.Italy converted to their government of Fascism for many reasons. During Wor...
Throughout history one can observe the existence of racist feelings in practically all societies against people of different physical as well as religious and cultural characteristics. In Europe, the intensity of such feelings increased to the point that they were transformed for the first time int...
FIVE PAST MIDNIGHTBy James ThayerTowards the end of WWII, Theodore Roosevelt was having a meeting on how he could end the war. Director of the Office of Strategic Services (William Donovan) was summing up the war in 3 sentences. First, each and every day the war continued in Europe, 27,000 men, wo...
FASCISM For many years a taboo subject for all but a small number of specialists primarily in the fields of history and political science, and treated as an aberration in discussions of 'Western Culture', fascism has returned with a vengeance. The resurgence of extreme right wing and neo-fascis...
Hitler Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He was born in Austria in a town called Braunau. It is on the Inn River along the Bauariun German border. He was the son of a customs official. He went to Realschule a college preparatory school. He did good in school but then he started to failing...
"Auschwitz" the most brutal and horrifying German death camp of them all. Located near a town called "Oswie'cim" in Poland. Ran by Nazis under the control of Adolph Hitler. Auschwitz ran for six long strong years from 1939 to 1945. Nazis ran this camp after World War 1 and through World War 2. ...
Why was the German invasion of Russia to be expected? On June 22, 1941, the armies of Nazi-Germany stood on a two thousand kilometer long Front, preparing to attack Soviet-Russia. The inevitable assault on Russia was to finally satisfy an obsession of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Führer. As for J...
Throughout the world, Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror and the Holocaust. The German forces occupying Poland During World War 11 established in May 1940, a concentration camp on the outskirts of the town Oswiecim. The Germans called the town Auschwitz, which also gave its name to the nearby d...
During the years 1933-1939, the German Nazi party began the invasion of the Jewish people. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Hitler had addressed that the Jews would have to be destroyed if war should come. The will to kill the Jews was embedded in their beliefs not infused by external conditio...
Racism was always an integral part of German National Socialism. The Nazi racist identity had three distinct but related aspects. These aspects were the German volk and the need for racial purity, Aryan supremacy and anti-Semitism. The first aspect of the Nazi racist identity was of the Germa...
The famous Krupp family of Germany has a long and at times controversial history. The history of the family can be traced to the early 15th Century but the family is more historically well - known as the originators of the first major steel-works in Germany in 1811. (Biography: Krupp) This was to...