54 Results for Europe

Sahil Rattanaphas IB History period 2 January 24, 2004 "How valid is it to claim that Europe "stumbled into" a world war in 1914" The late 1800's brought upon a growing trend of Imperialism towards Europe and five of her most powerful nations, Russia, France, Engl...
Marshall Plan In the spring of 1947, the atmosphere in Europe was unstable and tense. World War II left behind misery, unemployment and a housing crisis. The cold weather intensified the severe economic and social dislocation that plagued the continent following the long and destructive war. At t...
World market economies are comprised of two different types of markets. Those markets are free market economy and planned market economy. Free market economy is an economic system which resolves the basic economic problem through the market mechanism. Planned market economy is an economic system w...
Imperialism,World War I and Revolution and Nationalism I) As some of us know what imperialism is, I would like to start you off with a definition for those who may not know what it is or what it means. Imperialism is a policy that one strong nation wants to take over or dominate other countr...
Stalin did not demonstrate truly wise and honourable leadership of his country, and it was only because of the unstable nature of Europe at this time that the people of Russia trusted and put their faith in him. Stalin was the son of an alcoholic cobbler and a washerwoman, and was all too aware of t...
What has been termed as \"the long peace\" by some has proven to be the most intense time period in world history. A historical rarity, two superpowers fought rigorously across the globe for support, each carving out their own sphere of influence. The bi-polar of international affairs resulted in ...
In AD 789, three strange ships arrived at Portland on the southern coast of England. The \"Reeve\" or representative of the King of Wessex rode out to meet these visitors. He took with him only a small group of men under the impression that the strangers were traders. The strangers slew them. Ac...
The role of America at the end of World War II was where the origins of policing the world originate. America had been engaged in a very costly war in terms of dollars as well as lives. But, despite the expense the United States came out of World War II better than any other nation that was...
The only successful attempt to conquer Russia was by the Mongolian army under the leadership of the great Genghis Khan in the 1200s. Many other historical figures have tried to repeat his accomplishments, which somehow eventually led to their downfall. Adolf Hitler was the most recent to try to dupl...
Many believe that the sole contributor to the outbreak of war, was when Gacrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austrio-hungarian throne, Archduke Ferdinand. However, I disagree with this hypothesis, and prepose that the war was caused by a number of complex and interwoven factors, which I will...
CLIMATOLOGY OF EUROPEAN RUSSIA Facts Much of European Russia has warm summers and cold winters. In the polar north, summers are cool and winters are very cold. Northern Russia has temperatures regularly below those in Antarctica. Russia's weather was amongst its greatest defences: Napoleon...
Russia Russia, country in eastern Europe and northern Asia, bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean and on the east by the Pacific Ocean. Formerly the largest republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Russia as it is today was established in 1991, but the history of the Russian...
Why Did the Tsar Abdicate in March 1917?The Tsar of Russia was known as the Little Father. He was an autocratic ruler of a vast country, which spanned across two continents, Europe and Asia. It had over 16 nationalities and very poor lines of communication; roads were mud tracks and there was only...
Acid Reign: The Rule of Nicholas I Nicholas I has been portrayed, and perhaps rightfully so, as a strict and reactionary tsar. Indeed, his internal policies were often repressive -- he sought to nip any liberalism in the bud, often brutally. His approach to solving problems in the Empire and kee...
From Element to Riches A diamond in a sense is the most communal, elegantly, used jewel used in circulation today. Do people in actuality understand the concept and edifice of this mineral? A diamond is known as the hardest rock in existence and to most of the world it is a piece of jewelry, ...
What were the consequences of the Mongol invasion on Kievan Russia? The question about the consequences of the Mongol invasion is considered one of the most difficult in the history of Russia. Definitely, they had a great impact on demographics, agriculture, social, political and cultural deve...
The history of Russia began many centuries ago. By the 800's Slavic groups had founded many towns in what is now the European part of Russia and Ukraine, of which the two most important once are Novgorod and Kiev (1). In 882 a Viking chieftain named Oleg, captured the city of Kiev, situated on...
"Ivan the Terrible. Statesman or Madman? Discuss." Ivan was crowned in 1547 at 17 years of age, when he married Anastasia Romanov. Ivan's life can be divided into two distinct phases- the 'good' years and the 'bad' years. During his 'good' years he ...
Coniferous, Temperate, and Deciduous Forests (Main Focus on Deciduous) I. Summary Deciduous forests are apart of the seven major Earth biomes. They are located in the eastern half of the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of Russia, China, and Japan. They have rich soil, and a large divers...
The quotation, " 'I shall maintain the principle of autocracy just as firmly and unflinchingly as it was preserved by my unforgettable dead father.' (Nicholas II) In spite of the Czar's decrees and declarations, Russia, by the beginning of the 20th century, was overripe for revolution," i...
Introduction When President Ronald Reagan uttered the sound byte, \"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!\" most Americans probably expected that the new Russia would follow humbly in the footsteps of the United States in adapting not only a free market economy but also a liberal democratic system of ...
The Russian Avant-Garde began in Russia in about 1915. It was the year that Malevich revealed his Suprematist compositions that reduced painting to total abstraction and rid the pictures of any reference to the visual world. He is credited with being the first artist to do this; that is, forsake the...
Dance is unique to each person. Many people today in society have their own style they either like to watch or actually do. The connection every person has with dance is the abilty to enoy the art of dance. Some cultures use dance for rituals while other cultures, such as the U.S., can trace its soc...
Who Started The Cold War?Drew LovyThe United States of America is responsible for starting the Cold War with the Russians. The Cold War broke out shortly after the Allied powers defeated the Axis powers in World War II. The Cold War was an arms race between the Russians and the Americans that last...
The civil strife and chaos that tore Russia limb from limb in the early 20th Century, although brutally devastating, did not hail the end of the stability and power that had characterized the massive country for so much of history. The continuing strength of what was now the Soviet Union lay in the...