118 Results for Europe

American Domestic Affairs during WWI Though the WWI was started in Europe and had to do with European problems and didn't really have to do with America at first, when we got involved it changed our country forever. The war started mainly over a man named Franz Ferdinand who was the archduke of Aust...
Contents 1 Introduction 2 The American-German History 2.1 The First German Settlers in the USA 2.2 The American-German Relationship before and during the Second World War 2.3 New Evaluation of the American-German Relationship after the Second World War 2.4 The Vietnam War and the Firs...
During the Cold War, the United States of America was determined to act as the superior nation in the world. They believed that every country was inferior to them in regards to military power, economic stability and moral beliefs. After the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, the Vice...
The Cold War was an extremely long war that last from 1945 until 1990. It did not clearly start until 1945, but strained relations remained between the United States and the Soviet Union since 1917. The ending of WWII and the struggle between Communism and Capitalism, led to this unique war. This...
What Impact did the First World War have on the development of Keynes\'s Ideas? John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) is one of the most prominent figures in the study of the field of Economics. However I do not specifically regard Keynes as strictly an Economist, this is because if you look at his early...
Preface: How has the ninth edition been updated? In this updated edition, certain chapters have in added in light of the attacks of September 11, 2001. There was a chapter added on the foreign policies of Clinton and Yelstin-Putin also, an introduction to the beginnings of George W. Bush's...
The victorious forces at the end of the war divided Germany into four zones. They also divided Berlin into four zones. Each of the victorious nations controlled one zone and one sector of Berlin.The Allies (Britain, America and France) ran their zones differently to the areas controlled by Russia. ...
St. Augustine, (d.430) a first century theologian and philosopher, articulated the 'Just War Theory' initially to justify a Christian war, one perceived to defend and maintain peace and order. Opponents, typically pacifists, believe there is never a just means for war under any circumsta...
An ancient Roman expression states, "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum"; "Therefore whoever wishes for peace, let him prepare for war". Throughout much of the twentieth century, nations have attempted to resolve conflicts and ensure peace. The most preeminent conflicts...
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital Punishment is the ruling by a court, sentencing an individual who has been convicted of a serious crime to death. How serious is the death penalty? Well, thirty-eight of the fifty States in the Union have the death penalty enacted in their state (Bright 13). The dea...
It has been a 'splendid little war' wrote John Hay to Theodore Roosevelt after the fall of Santiago. Little, the Spanish-American War was; it was over in barely four months. Splendid? Maybe for those at home, reading the headline about its lucky victories. But for those men who fo...
Wilson's torment in deciding whether to send U.S. troops into WWI. It is well known among reasonably informed students of American history that Woodrow Wilson resisted getting American forces involved in World War I, right up to and after the time when British ships with Americans on board were...
Dennis Rasmussen Essay question # 2 Dr Dennis Casey History 1301War of 1812If you look at one small aspect of this war you could infer, had the United States been able to stay neutral this war might have been avoided. In reality I don't think this war was anymor...
In recent years, as awareness of globalization has entered the mainstream, a variety of tomes examining the detrimental effects of this process have emerged. While some of the literature is strictly intended for a scholarly audience, many books have been published with the general reader in mind. ...
1. Discuss the author's treatment of the growing crisis in Europe and the urgency of Churchill's concern that Britain desperately needed assistance to withstand Hitler. During the years of 1940 and 1941, the war in Europe caused much concern for Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill....
The Monroe Doctrine The nineteenth century was an exciting and vibrant era that not only dramatically altered the physical face of our nation due to the rapid development of large cities and manufacturing facilities, but also helped modify and shape the values that have come to define our Amer...
The motto of the United States, "E Pluribus Unum", meaning "Out of one, many", neatly recognizes that although America may be a single nation, it is also one originally made up of immigrants who arrived not only from Europe and Asia, but forcibly as slaves from Africa and of Native Americans. Its po...
From years 1505 to 1870, the world underwent the largest forced migration in history. West Africa was soon to be convulsed by the arrival of Europeans and become the advent of the transatlantic slave trade. Ships from Europe, bound for America, appeared on the horizon, and their captains and sailor...
Michael Mackay The electorate of the people, Tocqueville and Mill The election of officials is a sticky situation. In a democracy the people rule and elect the officials that they want. But what happens when they start choosing unqualified persons and the quality of the ruling becomes poor? Or w...
The cannabis plant has been on our planet for such a long time that even scientists and experts do not exactly know where or when it first originated. The first cultivation of the plant was recorded around 4000 B.C. in Central Asia and was used since then for food, fiber and also medicine. Cannabis ...
Are multinational companies really taking power away from nation states in some sweeping processes of 'globalisation'?"The implications for the ability of nation states to exercise political and economic control over this trans-national economy are clear, they would be at the mercy of automated and ...
Globalization is an apparent concern in our world today. Not only are countries trading goods and conducting business with one another, they are also exchanging cultures and religious beliefs on some levels. While there are still many drastic differences between the developed countries and the und...
Christianity was traditionally understood to be founded byJesus of Nazareth. Paul of Tarsus, after his conversion onthe road to Damascus, worked tirelessly to establishChristianity among both Jews and God-fearing Gentiles of theDiaspora. Clues in the New Testament indicate that there wasa significa...
A Comaprison between France and America There are few countries in the world that share as similar governmental structures as the United States and France. It would be expected, however, that France and America would share such similarities in government based upon the fact that the original French...
History of Labor in America The Industrial Revolution was dawning in the United States. At Lowell, Massachusetts, the construction of a big cotton mill began in 1821. It was the first of several that would be built there in the next 10 years. The machinery to spin and wea...