515 Results for Europe

The competition for trading advantages started with overseas expansion at the end of the sixteenth century. It started with the increase in the supply of silver in Europe. That caused for prices to change, which caused inflation. All of this caused furhter economic instabilit. The most visible e...
Europe will never be like America. Europe is a product of history. America is a product of philosophy. Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ) In the year nineteen hundred, the center of world power inarguablyresided in Europe. In fact, f...
Europe between Wars By Martin Kitchen A Book Review In this compelling account of Europe between the wars, Martin Kitchen outlines the intensifying crisis by looking at the peace settlement, followed by the economic and social troubles of the interwar period. Many of Martin's books r...
Nationalism in Post-Tribal Europe Patriotism and nationalism mean essentially the same thing, only with different obvious connotations. When one thinks of patriotism in America, one thinks of the Fourth of July, fireworks, hamburger cook-outs, flags, war-heroes, and the Republican Party. When one ...
The US was faced with many questions concerning Europe in the years following World War II. The US had the unenvied task of deciding whether to stay out of European affairs or become involved. The United States ultimately decided to become involved in the reconstruction of Europe. In doing this t...
Gone are the days when people read the recruitment sections of newspapers and applied to specific jobs called for by companies. These days, people network with lecturers, bosses, and peers. They visit and post their resumes on job sites on the Internet. However, there is one new avenue for finding j...
In times of great hostility throughout Europe, America sought to remain neutral allowing Europe to handle its own affairs. In these times of uncertainty came the preparation of a country. With this call for neutrality caused a situation to erupt where the war ended up being fought on two differen...
After WWII, there was an iron curtain dividing eastern and western Europe. And there were also two superpowers left standing, the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States dominated in western Europe while the Soviet Union dominated in eastern Europe. Tensions grew between the two superp...
Christopher Columbus never ate fries. How come? Because there was not fries at that time. And there was not any in Europe. You could not buy them. There were only potatoes in the Andes in imperial Inca. He never went to the Andes. Other exploreres went to the mountains later and saw a great civiliza...
It was a time of discrimination when World War II started in 1939 with Europe fighting against Hitler. About a year later, we started in to help Europe but we got in our own feud against Japan. Our men started leaving the country in 1941 to defend their country in the war with Japan. At this time...
December 17, 1999 The United States and the European Union recognize Northern Europe as a dynamically developing region. We reaffirm our shared commitment to promote security, stability, and economic prosperity in the region, particularly by strengthening cross-border cooperation. During the Finnish...
Health Insurance That Is the Question I think the United States should allow everyone in the U.S. to have health insurance. I like the idea of what is going on in Canada and Europe. I think if a poll was taken especially on men and women who are between the ages of 18-25 who are not in school, sta...
The Communist World and the Free World were two kinds of economic and political camps existing in 1985. At the center of these camps were two nations, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who followed the principals of communism, and the United States of America with the belief in Capitalism and...
The balance of power in Europe shifted to the United States and the Soviet Union during the years 1945 to 1970 making way for change. The balance of power in Europe came with the surrender of Germany to end WWII. With no common enemy to unite them, the inherent differences between East and West, c...
World War I all started when the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was shot. This causes turmoil between all of Europe and eventually escalated into The Great War. Before all of this turmoil, the United States was just beginning to get some recognition as a world power. They were involved in a...
Europeans had many reasons to risk their live in a really long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Many new technological advancements such as the cannons, new ships, magnetic compass and the astrolabe- helped make the trip something possible. Eventually Captains didn't have the money to afford t...
Censorship has been a large issue in the history of the United States for quite some time. Though this is the home of the free and land of the brave, how far does the freedom go? Current censorship completely holds back literary works that are made into Television shows and movies Currently, ...
The World Imagined In 1498, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama sailed with four ships from Europe to reach India. Because of the cold weather, the sailors could not prepare food. They went to Africa and collected all they needed and finally reached India and saw the flock of amazed citizens watc...
It is commonly known that one of the greatest discoveries in human history is that of Christopher Columbus' voyage in 1492. When he first set foot on the shores of South America, he had no idea how much he would affect so many people, animals, and agriculture for hundreds of years. After tha...
"She has a lot of chutzpah to talk like that!" Chutzpah is Yiddish for nerve. Yiddish came about between the ninth and twelfth centuries in southwestern Germany as an alteration of Middle High German dialects to the special needs of Jews. To the original German were added those Hebrew w...
Is Europe likely to catch up with the US? The European Union has gone through a number of different stages of economic integration since the late 1950s. Having started as a Free Trade Area the process of globalisation increased the need of further integration and led to a rapid development in the...
It's a small world after all. Going to different states, cities, or even just around your local neighborhood, you can find many different people and cultures. American society is filled with culturally diverse people who open us up to a new way of thinking, and help us perceive other nations w...
The extension of sovereignty and control was dormant in the west during most of the Middle Ages. It flourished during the age of exploration and discovery, particularly in America and parts of Asia. In the age of Metternich, with governments concentrating primarily on internal problems, a general ...
Causes of the Great Crash In 1929 there had been a bull market for some time, and it seemed like it would never stop. However, such prosperity would not last forever. In October of that year, the market came to an abrupt halt. It was not a simple matter however. There was no single reason wh...
In some ways, the American and French Revolutions seem alike. Both were influenced by ideas of the Enlightenment. Enlightenment is the term used to describe the trends of thinking and writing in Europe and America during the 18th century before the French Revolution. These ideas included the philoso...