3 Results for Starvation

Mao Tse-Tung was born in Hunan 1893 into a family a poor peasants who gradually risen to the status of middle class then on to rich peasants and gained merchants. He then found himself in a contradictory position. Mao's poor clothes placed him in a position naturally inferior to that of his fe...
The world today is home to over six billion inhabitants. China and India are home to over two billion people and these countries are already experiencing the first signs of over population. If the population continues to grow as it is, the world can expect some serious problems within the next thi...
We Can Solve the World Food Shortage Problem in Our Lifetime.Most of us college students don't have to worry about hunger too much but the fact is hunger is a big problem in the world today. One person in every five is chronically hungry and 35,000 people die everyday of hunger." The worst earthqua...