As Americans all know anorexia is a serious mental problem taking over our nation today. Anorexia is an eating disorder caused by self starvation. Although anorexia is not just a problem concerning food or weight, it substituting food and weight to deal with the real psychological and emotional problems such as a death in the family, personal reasons, stress and so on. Many cases of Anorexia typically come from the white, middle to upper class families that place heavy emphasis on achievement, perfection, and physical appearance. Before I propose one of my solutions let me tell you why I think this problem can be solved. Anorexia is mostly a problem because of the standards of mass media. The tall slender body is the image that every girl wants to become. Many girls believe that if they weigh so much they would be happier. Peoples self esteem is the major contributor to anorexia cases. It all begins back in grade school when kids would tease each other about their appearance. As a result, one way the kids can prevent being teased is by eliminating any possible reasons for being teases such as their weight. This is when kids start to have eating disorders. Since the kids being teased no longer felt confident in themselves they became anorexic to make them feel better.
I believe that there can be a possible solution to Anorexia. Everyone can help prevent the problem, but it must be a joint effort. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and the kids have to join together to help with my solution. My solution is to be open-minded and accepting to today's society. Everyone needs to be willing to accept people for who they are. If people took a look realistically they would notice there is no "normal" person. Normal is not attainable because everyone has their own opinion of what "normal" is. Everyone needs to realize they are their own person and they will never be anyone