There are many factors that contributed to the German successes in WWII. One crucial factor is their sudden massive attacks, a.k.a. blitzkrieg, which they used to capture territory such as Poland. The German Luftwaffe attacked Norway, which fell to the Germans within two days. Next, Hitler aimed for France. German troops captured Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands using the blitzkrieg. Hitler was able to capture the northern 2/3 of France. Hitler's success was basically due to his well-thought-out sneak attacks strategies and the luftwaffe bombers to knock out defensive.
Hitler tried but could not capture Britain, despite Britain's inferior military force. Although disappointed, Hitler moved on to capture Yugoslavia and Greece. With the Balkans in his power, Hitler decided he was ready for war with the USSR. The high point of Germany was considered the time before the attack on Russia. If Hitler had conquered Russia and then Great Britain, he would have achieved total victory. A significant turning point in the war was Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union.
The invasion of Russia led German troops to disaster. Although surrounded by German soldiers and forced into starvation, the Russians refused to surrender. Meanwhile, in Moscow, other German troops met stiff resistance from Soviet troops. They also faced the brutal cold of a Soviet Winter. The Germans, dressed only in summer uniforms, were not ready for the cold. Hitler refused to retreat and forced German troops to face the harsh winter conditions. The Soviets, however, were well prepared for the winter warfare. The Germans took the offensive when spring came, but not for long. After the Battle of Stalingrad, where Russian forces defeated the Germans, the Germans were defensive. Soviet tanks and artillery hammered Hitler's armies. German military leaders were starting to realize what Hitler refused to admit- the Nazi empire was collapsing.
The Allies invaded France and...