Belief on Life

             Every once in a while we have questions that not everyone can answer, and those
             who can don't always have the same one. That is because it is our belief and faith in
             which we depend on for these answers. Everyone has a slightly different aspect of life, a
             philosophy which develops in time. As Gods children we need to think about these
             questions and find answers. We all exist for a reason, God has a plan for everyone. It
             may be to bring joy to someone's life who needed it, even just for being born which
             brought happiness into your parents lives, helping an elder know they are still
             appreciated, or being the person that someone looks up to. Everyone at one point or
             another depends on each other and we all depend on God.
             God made us... God made life, we are all in existence. This is reality, and we
             discover new things everyday. We may not know many answers but we know that we
             are true and real. We exist and that's the truth. We all love each other and there
             shouldn't have to be anything else. The rest is left up to fate. What happens, happens,
             we just have to live each day to the fullest, because the future could be scarce and that's
             reality. Anything can be possible, we should all know that we are blessed to live life, to
             have experienced this beautiful thing and that's all there should be to know until our time
             Being a Christian I believe that there is a purpose for me and for everyone, we may
             not know what it is, but trying to succeed in every step of life and living it by following
             God will help achieve it. We are all God's children and God made something special and
             different about each of us. We have freedom, which some people

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Belief on Life. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:43, December 03, 2024, from