Occidental and oriental clash - Othello

             How dangerous and full of tension may be the society where there reside and develop more than one civilization. Different causes and small events may trigger great and disastrous events. It might be that even more difficult case would be if those civilizations do not interact for a while. They live, grow, develop and expand and because of their independence from one to another during the time at the moment of meeting point unexpected and more often unwise situation took place.
             During the dark Middle Ages the Church approved and justified only its way of life. For this reason it forbade any other type of knowledge and used all means to destroy any attempt of justification of things in non biblical ways. Lands of Saracens and Moors kept Greco-Roman knowledge during these dark middle Ages in Europe. The Renaissance itself is re-birth or revival (adaptation) of Greco-Roman learning. W. Shakespeare had access to the book called History of Africa (1556) and he used information from this book for his play "Othello". He knew that picture of heaths created by the western civilization was wrong; he had the real example next to his door in London in personality of Abdul Vahid who was the first Muslim ambassador in England. Many critics think that it was actually Vahid who inspired the character of Othello.
             Crusades were the beginning point of Renaissance in Europe. Christianity and civilisation are considered as same thing in both Renaissance and middle Ages. Imagine the shock the crusaders had when they entered great developed cities in the east. Suddenly the heaths have become the "noble savages". The job of a crusader was to destroy what is not Christian. Europe entered the age of egotism (Claiming that you are the best). Humanism was a blow to the age of egotism. "Humanists" knew what crusaders were doing and one of them was W. Shakespeare.

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Occidental and oriental clash - Othello. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:49, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/12054.html