existance of god by muslim phi

             A Look At Creation, From the View Point Of Islamic Philosophy
             "Whose existence is necessary does not have a cause, while that whose existence is
             possible is caused." The preceding was a statement by the very famous Persian
             Philosopher and Physician Ibn Sina (d.1037A.D) or known to the west as Avicenna, which was
             taken from his first Treatise out of the book of Healing (Shifa). The subject of the existence of a
             creator or God, could be categorized as the most controversial and ongoing debate on the
             matter of creation. It has, for the most part of human civilization, occupied the minds and lives of
             many serious Philosophers and thinkers. Does really and Agent, Determinant, or ultimately a
             Creator exist from (or by) whom we all have been came into being? or on the contrary, is all the
             world and cosmic that all living and non-living creatures and matters exist within it, happened by
             Although many religions and schools of thought have been in constant contradiction with
             scientific theories over the above question, one can only say that neither of the two sides has
             completely been able to totally dismiss the other. Though after centuries of development in
             sciences, there have been increasing emergence of evidence to support the concept of
             evolution, yet the mystery remains unsolved. Despite the fact that most of our idea of religion
             here in the west, is from Judaic-Christianity, by looking at the history we can see that, at the
             peak of its influence, Christianity was damaging its own image by irrational opposition to realists
             and scientists, such as Galileo. At almost the same time however, there was a great
             phenomenon emerging from the east, which was called the Islamic Philosophy founded and
             perfected by such scholars and scientists that are mostly very well known to us as, al Kindi, al
             Farabi, Avicenna, Averoes, al Razi, Ibn Hazm and many others who followed suit. The...

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existance of god by muslim phi. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:54, December 03, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/12703.html