
             Born on April 22, 1904 into a wealthy, New York, Jewish family with German decent, Oppenheimer quickly began to show signs of his ingeniousness. He attended Harvard as a 17 year old, graduating in 1925 after "intellectually looting the place". Oppenheimer then studied abroad at England's Cambridge University, studying under Ernest Rutherford at the worlds' finest center for atomic research. Spending a total of four years in Europe, Oppenheimer made his mark in quantum theory, published multiple articles and papers, and established a reputation as a leading theoretical physicist. In 1929 Oppenheimer returned to the United States taking an appointment at the California Institute of Technology and the University of California, Berkley. There he researched subatomic particles such as meson, positron, and neutron, and taught many of the world's leading physicist.
             In the 1930s, Oppenheimer became drawn into left-wing politics which may have been a reaction to the rise of Nazism in Germany where his relatives were suffering under increasingly severe anti-Semitic laws. It was estimated that from one ounce of uranium the fission could yield and explosion equal in effect to 600 tons of TNT. The notion that Germany might be the first to develope such a weapon of mass destruction struck fear into the hearts of Oppenheimer and President Roosevelt. It was then that the US government took action in assembling a research program to produce such a weapon. In 1942 the program was created with its director, J Robert Oppenheimer, leading the top American and British physicists in "Project Y". Facing immense challenges, the group continued research in Los Alamos, New Mexico where they encountered difficulties in obtaining a sufficient amount of uranium-235 and plutonium-239. Once the task was finally complete, victory in Europe was extremely close, therefore, the target became Japan. On July 16, 1945 20...

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