A comparison between Karl Marx

             Karl Marx and Max Weber are two of the most important figures in the science of sociology. Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany and was the forefather to the great communist revolution that swept across a large part of the world at the beginning of the 20th Century. Marx is regarded as an economic and political philosopher. However, when compared to one of the founders of sociology Max Weber, Marx's theories still have a clear resonance within this related field. Max Weber was born on April 21st, 1864, in the town of Erfurt, Germany into a wealthy and educated family. Like Marx, Weber was a political economist. However, although there were similarities in some of their theories, there were far more distinct differences. The purpose of this paper is to compare both Marx's "Class" society and Weber's "Rational" society theories and then to evaluate their relevance in contemporary society.
             At the core of Karl Marx's socio-economic theory was the theory of "class and conflict" and it ultimately became very much a capitalist critique. Marx claimed that an individual's class position is determined by his or her relationship to the "Forces" (means) of production. If a person was in the position of owning the means of production, then they would be categorised as being part of the ruling class or the Bourgeoisie. However, if you did not own the means then you would be in one of the subject classes or the Proletariat. Marx was most concerned with the dominant position of the Bourgeoisie due to them own the means of production. He also stated that with their economic power came political power, and hence the ruling class influenced all spheres of society. In addition, the ideology of the ruling class also subjugated the proletariat into believing that their life was natural and normal. Marx represented this theory by using a Superstructure model of soc...

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A comparison between Karl Marx. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:20, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/14085.html