radicalism of the american rev

             There were many ideas that sparked the American Revolution many were ideas that were
             handed down from the mother country of England. Either through British ideology that was brought
             over from England. It also came from the Religious orginization that drove the first settlers from
             England to the Colonies. There were parental differnces between idvidual familys that influenced the
             people relationship with the king as a parental figure. All of these and many more led up to the
             Republicanism flourished within the coloinies for various reasons. In England they had
             already established republican culture which was handed down to the colinist this with some
             resentment towards the crown lead to a more republican form of government than had ever been
             established elsewhere. Many of the colonist had no loyalty to the king because of social and
             religous problems in England. They had been pushed and prodded by the various lords and
             sometimes by the royal crown itself. This led to a sense contradiction from the king that was
             techinically their ruler, but they were republican having no loyalty towards him.
             The relationship with the king was not the only relationship to begin to decay prior to the
             revolution. The sense of the mother country and colonial relationships and hierarchies were beging
             to fail at this point. This was not uncommon for this period most if not all of Europe experienced
             democratic revolutions by the start of the 19th century. In America it was simply taken to whole
             new levels never before experienced by other nations.
             The rapid growth of american population forced western expansion. In addition to expasion
             there was a movement within the established colonies. This nearly constan polupation explosion
             with its westward expansion and its movement casued the tradional values of community to
             change, the traditional sence was impossiblt to maintain. Peoples...

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radicalism of the american rev. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:54, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/15608.html