
             Nazism has caused many problems over time. Nazism, through the leadership of Adolf Hitler, has caused the massacre of millions of Jews during the holocaust and the Third Reich. It has affected the Jewish community mostly as well as the rest of the world. Nazism has changed Europe and now it has spread all over the world to this day where there are still nazi groups and organizations all over the world.
             Nazism is defined as the ideology and practice of the nazis, its is especially the policy of racist nationalism, the national expansion, and it is the leader of the state trying to control the economy in anyway he prefers. Nazi is short for Nationalsozialist. Nazism is a type of fascism, a form of government that gives all the power to a very small minority led by a dictator who has all the power and control. Nazis were mainly prejudice against the Jews. One man led Nazism almost solely and he was Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of the Nazis; he was called the Fuhrer, which is the German word for leader. He is what started just about everything to do with Nazism. Nazis ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945. This period is called "The Third Reich".(Taylor and Shaw, 1987)
             Hitler, the leader of Nazism, was born in the evening of April 20, 1889, in Austria in a small village called Braunau. His father was Alois Hitler and his mother was Klara Pölzl. Adolf Hitler was born healthy baby and was baptized as a Roman Catholic. Adolf had four brothers and sisters. When he was a little boy he went to monastery school were he did well and even thought of being a priest. Then when he got into high school he started to slack off and purposely started failing, then his father died when he was thirteen. At the age of sixteen he dropped out of high school and moved away. When he was eighteen, he moved to Vienna to study art, but he failed the entrance exam and could not get into the academy of fine arts. ( http://worldwarll.www4.50megs....

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