Reasons behind bombing

             Reasons for use of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by America...........
             Reason 1: Four years prior to use of the atomic weapons, the Japanese had fought viciously, ferociously and bravely and all up, were more more than America had bargained for. This had cost more than three hundred thousand American lives. The aim of the US Government was to finish the war with minimum casualties, as weighed to other matters, the cost on human lives was great. It was estimated by advisors of President Truman in 1945, that within the next two years, if the war continued, that the death toll of Americans would be at least a million. The explanation of Truman, a day after the bomb was dropped stated "...we have used it in order to save thousands and thousands of young Americans...". The Japanese had a further four million troops complimented by four thousand eight hundred kamikaze aircraft and pilots. The kamikaze pilots had had a great affect on American military, the planes sunk fifteen US vessels and damaged a further two hundred. To invade Japan was going to put a huge strain on American budget, different means to winning the war was needed, the bomb...was the answer.
             Reason 2: Another reason for wanting to end the war so quickly was because of the Soviet Union. It was a known fact that a prolonged war with Japan would eventually involve USSR. This also meant that after the war, parts of Eastern Asia would be occupied by the Soviets. This theory was proved when the war in Europe ended in May 1945, the USSR was found to be in control of most of Eastern Europe. This gave them the stepping stones to spread communism which was feared by the Western World. If the war wasnt brought to an abrupt halt, it looked as if there would be war with the Soviets.
             Reason 3: The cost of the war was having a damaging effect on the world's economy. An estimate brought the cost of the war (globally) to approximately one trillion dollars. Millions and mil

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Reasons behind bombing. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:19, October 05, 2024, from