"Stress in My Life as a Student"
The most stressful situation I have had as a student was attending the first night of class. I cannot remember a time when I was more exited, depressed, happy and sad all at the same time. I kept thinking, "Why am I doing this? It has been twenty years since I was last in school." I knew nothing about college. I had never met the instructor or any of my classmates. I did not know how people would receive me or what people would think of me.
My mind kept telling me to take the easy way out and quit. Just don't show up, no one will mind or miss you. As the first night of class approached the thought of quitting got stronger and stronger. Finally, that night came, and I had to face my fears and go back to school. I pulled into the parking lot, got out and a funny thing happened, my mind said, " Just skip tonight and come back next week!" The stress immediately left my body because I thought I had come up with a solution to my problem. I got back in my car and then it hit me that I still had to face the same fears next week that I had now. The stress of this situation immediately came back.
How was I going to handle this situation? I had no clue! Then I thought about weighing the problems against one another and hopefully choosing the right one. Yes, I could quit, but the problem with quitting was that I would never achieve the goals I had set for myself. However, if I did quit the stress I was facing at that moment would be gone. My second thought was to skip the first night of class. That allowed the stress to subside for the time being, but this only postponed the problem I was having. If I skipped the first night I realized I would never be able make up the work that would be missed by not being in class. I came to realize that I had a big decision to make.
The thought of quitting did not set well with me and I knew I could not just skip the fir...