Female Genital Mutilation

             "Around the world at least one women in three has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime." (Population Report 1) Physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse are what would be included in a description of violence against women and girls. These four different types of abuse are established most frequently as 'gender-based' for the unique reason that they enhance the inferiority of women as compared to men. (Population 1) Violence that is gender based is seen as a huge health concern and infringes upon a woman's rights as a human being. All over the entire world countless women and girls experience violence through a fixed practice known as Female Genital Mutilation, which involves the cutting of the female genitals. This practice of Female Genital Mutilation usually takes place, during infancy, childhood or adolesence and can have permanent effects on the girls physical or cognitive well being.
             Many women who may be traumatized by their circumsion experiences, worried about a physical complication or fearful of sex have no acceptable means of expressing their feelings and suffer in silence when the pressure reaches a certain level their condition can progress to psychological levels (Taubia 19).
             Female Genital Mutilation is indecent, and pointless; female circumsion takes away from the integrity of women , and the right they have to their own bodies.
             Female Genital Mutilation has traditionally been called "female circumcision", by identifying its harmful consequences the term "circumcision" is a much gentler form, that does not categorize between the process used for that of male circumcision. Female Genital Mutilation is the common practice that includes the cutting and removal of sexual organs.
             The severity of female genital mutilation varies in different cultures, it involves the removal of part or all of the genital organs – clitoris a...

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Female Genital Mutilation. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:24, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/18853.html