Lucretia Coffin Mott

             My name is Lucretia Coffin Mott and what I'm trying to do is reform woman's along with slave's rights. I've traveled throughout the East and Midwest addressing organizations. Being a minister and a teacher has given me the power to speak my views to all Americans.
             I suppose my fight for woman's rights started when I first became a teacher. The male teachers would be paid twice as much as me, which is not fair at all. But becoming a teacher worked very well, I met my husband James Mott and together we had been wed. The Quaker philosophy of marriage is like, there is no assumed authority and no inferiority, both are equals.
             My husband James constantly supports me. Both of us have never used slave produced goods such as cotton and cane sugar. Much of my time is spent preaching to people about the evils of slavery, telling them the wrongness within it. He and I often shelter run-away slaves in our home.
             Around 1840 I was selected to be one of six women delegates from the several American antislavery societies to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention. I was very excited. My husband and I arrived in London-where the convention was being held, around June. On the 12th of June the Sun rose bright and beautiful despite the discordant events. I among other woman walked the crooked streets of London to Freemason's Hall. Once we arrived we found out they were having a debate on whether woman should attend.
             Their decision was to compromise, we were able to listen but to not interfere. The convention also stated that we would have to make out own anti-slavery group, the woman's anti-slavery society. Although the day was rather depressing I managed to meet one woman with the same views as mine. I believe her name was Elizabeth Stanton, yes that's it. We both promised to keep in touch and we did.
             Elizabeth and I decided to have a convention of our own for woman's rights. We held it in Seneca...

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Lucretia Coffin Mott. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 06:27, October 05, 2024, from