The Human Lust for Powe

             Confrontation, conflict and combat. The usual way this period of time, which we like to describe as war is initiated. Since early childhood our parents, relatives and teachers hammer into our brains that we are supposed to be respectful of each other and stop a fight before it happens. We are told gruesome stories of war to cast apermanent? imprint of hate against this subject into our minds. Yet, as we grow and mature, this imprint weakens? In the real world, thehuman? people under us are suppressed and used by the dominant species. One cannot lead a normal life under such conditions, which is why weloose it? at some times. All of the anger, hatred and pure fury build up in us until we cannot stand it anymore we let go of our grip and all of this rage is expelled in a matter of seconds. This is what happens if we look at the micro picture, the macro functions in the same way, however ejecting a multiple of the wrath. The result is the principle of war.
             Of course this by far isn't the only reason for the hostility. The lust of power and possession acts together with this. The real answer to the questionWhat initiates a war? is a combination, consisting probably of these three, major factors. Another relevant question would be:What is the use of wars (pros and cons)?. At first sight one might saywar is useless?, which is true to a certain extent, however has anybody shown light onto the other side of this evil?
             11.09.01 surely can be described as a day of total malevolence and tragedy. It was as George W. Bush said 'the beginning of war on the civilized world?. The shock and sorrow of people around the world was intolerable. Personally I did not hear from the happening until I arrived home around 2 hours after the planes had crashed. There is one peculiar occurrence which some people may describe as a simple coincidence. At the same time as the planes flew into the twin towers (9:30AM NY time, 3:30PM Munich time) I was sitting i...

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The Human Lust for Powe. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:45, December 02, 2024, from