Creative problem solving can be one of the best tools an organization
             uses to keep current in the marketplace, and keep its staff on its toes.
             Creative problem solving which involves everyone concerned with the problem
             can encourage many types of creative thinking, such as brainstorming, group
             solutions, and other techniques that might not have been considered
             One key to creative problem solving is thinking "outside the box,"
             which means thinking outside the confines of what is "normal" or accepted.
             Experts on problem solving almost universally agree that thinking in
             innovative ways without the usual structure is how most creative problem
             solving is truly accomplished. "Vertical" and "horizontal" thinking are
             two other modes of this thinking outside the box that can lead to more and
             better ideas for creative problem solving. One expert says, "Most of us
             tend to rely on safety and security of tried-and-true solutions -- the so-
             called conventional wisdom so typified by the expression, 'That's the way
             it's always been done...' It takes courage to step out in a fresh, new
             Continuous innovation can keep an organization on top of the
             competition, but it takes quite a bit of effort to maintain creativity all
             the time. There are several stages to creative problem solving, and
             problem solving in general, as we have seen. Creative thinking relies on
             several tactics, some of which have turned up before in implementation and
             solution. Some critical tactics are: suspend judgment of others, self-
             assessment, develop a positive attitude, use checklists, and be self-
             confident. All of these tactics help the group be more open to ideas, and
             give the group members more assurance their ideas will not be ignored or
             ridiculed (O'Keefe, 2000). Always be positive and constructive when
             thinking creatively, and ideas that are more viable will be the result.

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CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:54, September 22, 2024, from