Edward de Bono is an authority on creative thinking, and developed
             "lateral thinking which treats creativity as the behaviour of information
             in a self-organising information system" (de Bono, 2003). He has written
             over 60 books on creative thinking, and offers an online course in creative
             thinking on his web site. He also developed the communication device, "Six
             Thinking Hats." De Bono believes creative thinking should be available to
             everyone regardless of age, and as a result his methods are taught all over
             the world, from organizations to elementary schools. His lateral thinking
             is based on the need for creative thinking on a global scale. His web site
             notes, "There is a huge need world-wide for thinking that is creative and
             constructive and can design the way forward. Many of the major problems in
             the world cannot be solved by identifying and removing the cause. There is
             a need to design a way forward even if the cause remains in place" (De
             Bono, 2003). Such notables as Peter Ueberroth, who rescued the 1984
             Olympic games in Los Angeles from a distinct lack of interest, and Ron
             Barbaro of Prudential Insurance have used de Bono's methods to creatively
             solve some of their organizations' most pressing problems (De Bono, 2003).
             De Bono's theories of creative thinking work around how the brain
             actually thinks, and are somewhat similar to neural networks, which were
             introduced to teach computers how to think "like a human." De Bono
             believes the neural networks in our own brains can be trained to not think
             linearly, but creatively, and that is what his theory of "Six Thinking
             Hats" discusses. In the book, he says of thinking that uses analysis,
             judgment and argument, "That is a fine and useful system. But there is
             another whole aspect of thinking that is concerned with 'what can be,'
             which involves constructive thinking, creative thinking, and 'designing a

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EDWARD DE BONO. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 00:35, September 22, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200034.html