Service learning has become a integral part of educational curriculum
from the youngest to the oldest learning populations. The challenge at a
college level is to both instruct students in an informed and engaging
manner and to offer opportunities for learning that hold the six tenets of
service learning to heart; integrated learning, high quality service,
student voice, civic responsibility, and reflection.
Today, many educational approaches emphasize the importance of having
students take charge of their own learning. The processes for
acquiring self-knowledge described here are consistent with that
emphasis. Whether through experiential, on-the-job, classroom, or
community/service learning, students can enhance their awareness of
themselves for their career development by continually summarizing and
reflecting upon what they are learning as they continue their
progression through school and work. (Lankard, 1)
Within a college level professional writing coarse there are many ways to
develop curricular goals and assignments that offer students service-
learning challenges. One of the ways this can be done is to incorporate
non-profit business writing into the curriculum of the college level
Probably the most often used type of service learning experience
within the college level is an activity-based assignment.
Typically, such course options are offered as an alternative to more
traditional classroom assignments. Often, students are given the
option of participating in a service learning project over the course
of the semester and writing a paper based on the experience instead of
writing a traditional research paper.
Yet, given the demands and opportunities of a writing curriculum, in a
professional writing class the opportunities for expansion of this
Because students are having dif...