Human equality in the context of social and political institutions in
human society is characterized to be more conservative and rigid when
compared in the context of Internet culture and society. This claim is an
illustration of how Internet as a new communication medium becomes an
influential and pervasive tool wherein globalization is developed not only
in Internet communities, but in human societies as well.
The concept of globalization in the Internet culture is an adaptation
of Marshall McLuhan's famous "global village," a concept he formed when he
observed that the development of new media innovations such as the
television, radio, telephone, and computers show an increase in the
proliferation of information and interaction among people in various
However, a more recent version of McLuhan's "global village" concept
is the emergence of two important movements in the Internet culture: the
emergence of both the globalization and localization processes among
various people in the world, specifically the Internet users. In
globalization, people from all over the globe become acquainted with the
cultures of different societies, while localization gave way to the
emergence of local cultures to become known not only to outsiders of that
society, but to members of that society as well. These two movements show
how Internet culture educates people about the cultures and kind of
societies existing and available all over the world.
How do globalization and localization of societies and cultures
contribute to the development of equality in human society via the Internet
culture' These concepts show how the Internet further intensifies equality
by breaking the barriers that demarcate those peoples that have different
nationalities and cultures. Becoming aware of other cultures and societies
help people becomes understanding and more receptive to