Litigation, mediation, dispute, process from state to supreme court

             Pursuing a claim through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
             ("EEOC") begins with the logical requirement of having the complainant
             actually file the charge in a given case. This charge can filed in person,
             by phone, or by mail at a local EEOC office, or by calling a toll-free
             national line if there is no local EEOC office. The charge, if it pertains
             to a claim based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, The Americans with
             Disabilities Act ("ADA"), or the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
             ("ADEA"), must be filed within 180 days of the offense that has given rise
             to the complainant's charge ("Filing a Claim").
             After the claim is filed, the EEOC will investigate and evaluate the
             degree to which the claim does or does not seem justified. If the claim
             seems reasonable and is allowed to continue with the EEOC's support than a
             variety of options are possible. One possibility is that the claim itself
             may never proceed to trial, but would instead end up in some form of
             Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR"), such as mediation. In this case,
             the EEOC requires that both parties agree to a mediation proceeding, in
             which a qualified third-party would sit-in to hear the claim in question
             and decide on a reasonable settlement for the parties. Mediation is often
             advantageous, because it avoids long legal battles and related expensive
             legal fees. Businesses often like mediation as well, because the payout of
             a settlement in mediation does not actually qualify as an admission of
             guilt in relation to any laws and the amount of the settlement is not a
             If ADR is not pursued and the EEOC does handle the claim, then the
             matter would not typically be handled in local courts. I suppose it is
             possible that some states' Superior Court might be able to hear such
             claims, if there are local and state laws regarding Employment
             Discrimination that are applicable. In such cases, it mi

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Litigation, mediation, dispute, process from state to supreme court. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:33, September 21, 2024, from