The Other

             When I was a child, I would always share ghost stories with my
             friends. Gathering round together, we would share ghost stories that we
             heard from various peopleâ€"stories of men, women, and children who were
             buried alive and ghosts that linger' in old houses or cemeteries.
             Despite my fascination for ghost stories, one of my greatest fears is
             my fear of ghosts, or worse, my fear that a ghost will appear before me.
             While I enjoy the thrill that horror stories bring me, I never thought of
             myself encountering a ghost, whom I fondly call as "The Other."
             Now that I am working, I stopped sharing ghost stories for its thrill
             and gore. I also forgot how I used to fear ghosts and anything bizarre.
             That is, I forgot all about these until, one day in the office where I
             work, I suddenly became witness to the scary, yet curious life of a ghost
             It was only a few months ago when strange things began happening in
             the office where I work. Several changes had happened in the office. One
             of these changes is the ongoing construction and renovation of the new
             extension of the office. This new construction will increase office space,
             allowing more employees to work and hold their offices in the said
             However, despite these positive developments in the office, some
             elements living' in the office do not agree to these changes. My friend
             Chona narrated how she first encountered about "The Other" living inside
             the office when she stayed in the office for the night to have her
             overtime. Chona, who used to work overtime before, one day, noticed a
             woman with long and curly hair wearing an office wear walking in front of
             her holding some papers in her hand. The woman stopped just past Chona's
             cubicle. Looking back, Chona noticed that the woman is not moving at all.
             After about ten seconds, she noticed that the woman's feet are slowly

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The Other. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:25, September 21, 2024, from