Business Concepts

             In addition to classroom materials, interacting with my classmates has
             considerably broadened my views on the issues we have learned. When I do
             not fully comprehend something being discussed in class, my fellow
             classmates usually help me out and enlighten my understanding. Furthermore,
             the instructor's questions initiate learning and intellectual
             comprehension. I also found the text, Contemporary Business Issues, very
             informative. We touched upon so many business concepts that it is difficult
             to choose which three resonate with me the most. However, I will choose the
             First, systematic discrimination research shows a lot about covert
             forms of discrimination in the workplace and in pay scales. Much of this
             discrimination is socialized. I conducted and published research on the
             subject of pay discrimination. This project involved using "job evaluation
             teams" dominated by one or the other gender. Each group was asked to
             evaluate identical job descriptions for a Jane Doe and John Doe. For both
             groups, the John Doe job received a more favorable evaluation, one
             deserving of more pay. Remarkably, both male and female groups rated John
             Doe's work as more valuable. Discrimination is unintentional, yet still
             The second main concept that resonates with me is the ethics
             demonstrated in the old car examples. My initial response was that while I
             understand that Americans are used to "caveat emptor," I believe that it is
             unethical to sell the car in the evening in the hope that the buyer will
             not see the oil leak. It is up to the vendor to be upfront and be honest
             about the condition of the vehicle. However, the buyer should also know
             that viewing a product at night might mask certain flaws.
             Thirdly, the example of Aaron Feuerstein affected me greatly. As CEO,
             he demonstrated unselfishness and an employee-centered attitude. Although

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Business Concepts. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:34, September 21, 2024, from