Community Problem

             Till recently, the community I live in was primarily a residential,
             middle class neighborhood that enjoyed a feeling of peace and security in
             what was seen as a safe district. Today, that same community is
             increasingly worried about a growing problem of juvenile delinquency caused
             by the commercial and low cost residential developments in next-door areas.
             While the community is concerned about juvenile delinquency leading to a
             higher crime rate, there is also worry over negative influences impacting
             younger members given the inevitable intermingling of children in schools
             The signs of juvenile delinquency first manifested itself in the
             appearance of graffiti in what was earlier a green, pristinely clean
             neighborhood; the seemingly aimless loitering of congregations of youth
             (youth gangs) at street corners, in malls and parks; and stray incidents of
             reported burglaries. At first, the tendency was to ignore the signs of
             change but when the frequency of such incidents began rising, disturbing
             the historically safe and peaceful pattern of community life, the community
             collectively began to perceive that it was faced with the problem of
             juvenile delinquency. In fact, it would be of interest to note that though
             there is no official definition, the situation nevertheless meets three out
             of the six criteria that are commonly used to identify a community problem:
             frequency; duration; scope or range; disruption of personal or community
             life; deprivation of legal and moral rights; and problem perception
             Having said that, while there was enough tangible evidence to define
             loss of safety as a community problem, there was reason to doubt the
             veracity of the worry over younger community members getting negatively
             impacted by the juvenile delinquents in district schools and surrounding

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Community Problem. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:40, September 21, 2024, from