Morality and Truth

             For society to continue to progress, I believe the concepts of morality and
             truth must be examined and re-infused into society. Morality and truth are
             the most crucial component of being a decent human being, and without such
             aspects of humanity, society would crumble. In some respects, society is
             already crumbling under the weight of an excessive lack of morality and
             common human decency. Morality and truth have been defined since the
             beginning of time. Idealists such as Plato defined morality in a
             deliberate manner, and the bible defines morality and truth in much the
             same manner. The bible actually has established principles and laws that
             govern how a society should operate. The bible supports the idea that a
             moral and true society operates for the benefit and good of all men, and
             that all men are subject to the same rules and regulations. These ideas
             and principles are explored further within this paper.
             Plato stated the following regarding human's capacity to understand truth
             and morality: "All we humans have are our five senses. All we apprehend of
             reality must come from one or more of those senses. We never apprehend the
             "thing in itself", only what our sense report to us" (Steffensen, 1966).
             Plato believed that man through his senses had the ability to discern
             morality as an aspect of ethical behavior, and claimed that truth would
             Ethics according to Plato involved deliberately thinking about one's
             decisions, the "art of reasoning about morality, a reflective exercise on a
             moral rule" (Steffensen, 1966). Morality and ethics actually are tied hand
             in hand according to Plato. The actual decision an individual makes
             regarding anything reflects upon what truths this person believes to be
             real. A decision is merely in essence the course of action one selects.
             Plato would also observe however, that some decisions lie in a person's

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Morality and Truth. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:50, September 21, 2024, from