Developing Communication Competence

             Communicating effectively interpersonally and within a group has
             always been my problem. More specifically, communicating orally, that is,
             oral communication and presentation is another aspect that I feel anxious
             about. This is why I try to develop my communication skills and competence
             by reflecting on the important factors that influence one's communication
             Why the need to communicate effectively' The main reason why I want
             to improve my communication skills is that communication is an inherent
             part of relating with people in all of the activities that we do everyday.
             Communication is present in all kinds of media: through print, broadcast,
             and even online communication. Learning to communicate is essential since
             communication helps develop one's self-concept of himself, as well as the
             image s/he presents to other people. Thus, because of these essential uses
             of communication, I intent to improve on three important factors in
             communicating: motivation, knowledge, and skills.
             I know that I have the motivation to communicate competently, but
             what I need to improve is to practice on my skills and knowledge in
             communicating. I must have an understanding of the important knowledge
             such as knowing the protocols and norms often followed in communicating
             interpersonally and in groups. However, this knowledge is useless if they
             are not applied. Thus, in order to make use of this knowledge in
             communicating, I must improve my skills in relating with people, in
             whatever form. Through these factors, motivation, knowledge, and skills, I
             will be able to improve my competence in communicating in whatever media

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Developing Communication Competence. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:33, September 21, 2024, from