Why Louisiana Technical College Needs More Parking

             The parking situation at Louisiana Tech University needs improvement. The University is notably one of the best in the state and offers students, among other things, quality education at a quality
             facility. Unfortunately, there is not enough parking to accommodate the University's growing student population. Students at Louisiana Tech consistently find themselves struggling to find somewhere to park their cars. The parking problem is due to various factors, including lack of regulation related to student parking rules, visitor parking violations, yearly growth, and parking requirements for special events. The addition of a larger parking area for students will make the University more accessible to the thousands of students that must commute every year and more appealing to prospective students, both in and out of state, who will be looking for many comforts in their new environment. Additional parking would also result in less disruption during special events, the University's hallmark.
             One may argue that additional parking would not be necessary if unregistered or non-student cars did not park in student-only areas. True. Currently, many student parking spaces are taken by unauthorized users.
             However, this only proves that many more people at the university need parking than the lots currently provide. Many students will not take the time to follow parking regulations when they know that no
             matter what steps they take, they can not be guaranteed a parking spot on any given day. At times visitors in a hurry may also find themselves hunting down a treasured "student" parking spot to make an
             appointment in time or meet with a student family member. This again supports the fact that currently, adequate parking does not exist at the University.
             On another note, any quality university should offer its student population adequate parking. Louisiana is notable as one of the best Universities in the state. Yet the school fails t...

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Why Louisiana Technical College Needs More Parking. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:22, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200254.html