Project Acquaintance Rape

             Acquaintance rape in which the rapist and the survivor previously knew
             each other is a larger problem than most people think. Between fifteen and
             thirty percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape
             at some point in their lives and two-thirds of rape victims between the
             ages of eighteen and twenty nine know their attacker.[1] These alarming
             statistics indicate the need for women and men to take precautionary
             measures to prevent acquaintance rape.
             Alcohol and drugs are by far the largest issue associated with
             acquaintance rape. Statistics show that seventy-five percent of the date-
             rapists and fifty-five percent of the victims had been drinking or taking
             drugs before the rape occurred.[2] Women should avoid individuals, parties
             or groups, when either alcohol or drug use is excessive. Date rape drugs
             such as Rohyponol and GHB can be slipped into someone's drink to facilitate
             a sexual assault without the victim being able to remember what happened.
             Women should not accept beverages from someone they don't know and trust
             and should always watch their drink and never leave it unattended. [3]
             In addition to watching out for alcohol and drugs, women can take
             several steps to reduce their chances of become a victim of acquaintance
             rape. First, they need to learn to trust their instincts. If a place or
             the way a date is acting is making a woman nervous or uneasy, she should
             immediately leave. When possible, a woman should check out a first date or
             a blind date with friends. A woman should meet in and go to public places
             with someone she doesn't know well and she should either carry money for a
             phone call and taxi or take her own car. She also should not leave a
             social event with someone she's just met or doesn't know well.[4] A woman
             needs to watch out for personality traits of a date that are common to
             males involved in date rape. If a male...

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Project Acquaintance Rape. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:56, September 21, 2024, from