Legal and Ethical Considerations in Testing

             Several legal and ethical considerations are adhered in testing to allow
             the validity of any tests provided. From the Code of Ethics relative to
             testing, it is appropriate that standardized tests or any other tests
             follow legal contents and ethical procedures such as follows.
• Tests provided must be appropriate to the educational attainment
• Communicating the test procedures, how the test will be administered,
             and interpreting the test instructions if necessary.
• Ensuring that all test materials are safe before and after test
             administrations to guarantee the integrity of test results
• Providing appropriate span of time in test sessions.
             Selection Techniques in Hiring a Property Manager
             In hiring a property manager for apartments, there are several selection
             techniques that can somehow assure a satisfactory and well-performed job.
             First, an applicant with good communication skills and public relations is
             essential because managing properties frequently entails dealings with
             clients. An applicant who can relate properly to others can somehow assure
             that the properties, apartments in our case, will not be idle and will
             revolve within the business. This is easily distinguishable through
             interview sessions with an applicant. Second is the professional image.
             This is an important characteristic a property manager must have to gain
             the confidence, trust, and respect of clients. Such also presents an
             impression that he is serious with his job. Again, this can be seen in an
             interview session. Finally, it is important that an applicant has
             knowledge in managing and maintaining properties. Because this is mainly
             the duty of a property manager for apartments, some background of it can

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Legal and Ethical Considerations in Testing. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:59, September 21, 2024, from