Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes

             The story Johnny Tremain is a fictionalized account of life during the American Revolutionary War. Johnny Tremain was not a real boy but might have been. The main character, Johnny Tremain, is 14 at the opening of the book. He is an indentured servant to a silversmith by the name of Mr.Lapham. Being an indentured servant meant that he was nearly a slave but would learn a trade, and he would be free when his seven years of service were up. The Lapham's children are four girls --Dorcas and Madge, both older than him, Cilla, who seems to have a crush on Johnny, and Isannah, who is sickly.
             Johnny lives in the Lapham's attic with other indentured servants including Dove, who is older than him but not as talented, and Dusty Miller. Johnny had a middle name -- Lyte -- and suspects he is related to the wealthy Lyte family of Boston, but does not know for sure. The Laphams also had children of their own. John Hancock, a real person in history, is given a role in this story, and as he orders silver from Mr. Lapham it comes out that Mr. Lapham does not approve of Hancock's activities against England.
             In the story, Johnny meets a variety of famous historical figures. Paul Revere was a silversmith as well as a patriot. He befriends Johnny and offers to buy his indenture contract. Johnny says no because Mr. Lapham depends on him too much, so Paul Revere gives Johnny advice on the piece Johnny is making for John Hancock. All of this puts Johnny in contact with some of the most important Revolutionary War figures. But Johnny does have a flaw. He treats the other indentured servants in Lapham's shop quite badly, calling them a lot of names. As a result, when he needs their help, they aren't very helpful. For instance, when Johnny needs good charcoal to melt the silver and make the handles for Hancock's sugar bowl, Dove goes to get it slowly and comes back with bad charcoal that won't work, making it very hard for Johnny to have the bowl

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Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:11, September 21, 2024, from