Healing, Serving, and Educating in Pharmacy

             One of my primary goals in life is to pursue a career in medical
             studies, particularly in the field of pharmacy, and in order to achieve
             this goal, I plan to pursue a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. My primary reason
             for selecting pharmacy as my career course is influenced by my motivation
             to heal, serve, and educate myself and my community to promote optimum
             health service. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy involves
             assuming the roles that I find fulfilling intellectually and personally:
             providing the health care needs of people, obtaining knowledge about the
             proper use and application of pharmaceuticals, and implementing the
             manufacture and control of drugs and medicines that will be appropriate and
             beneficial to the people/patients' needs.
             The main thrusts of my primary objective are centered on three
             important aspects that pharmacy can contribute to my self-development as a
             future medical practitioner: to heal, serve, and educate.
             The first thrust I am subsisting to is that as a pharmacist, I can
             give HEALING to people in dire need of medical help. Healing, for me, and
             in the pharmacist viewpoint, is to provide people with easy access to drugs
             and medicine that people need to cure their illness or maintain their
             health. Making health drugs and medicines accessible to those who need
             them is a service to the people and a fulfillment to the medical
             practitioner, whose main role is to ensure that people's health needs are
             Aside from making health drugs accessible, healing also concerns
             providing counsel for people/patients. This means that not only do
             pharmacists have the role of providing health drugs and medicines to
             patients, they also have the role to inform the patients about the
             appropriate drug or medicine that they should take for their illness.
             Thus, pharmacists act as a secondary counsel' after doctors and physicians

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Healing, Serving, and Educating in Pharmacy. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:06, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200276.html