Public Relations

             The field of public relations is a high stress, high satisfaction
             field. Those who work in it must be able to work with deadlines,
             people, technology, media outlets and print. They must also be able to
             handle high stress with a minimum of reaction and be able to turn
             negative elements into positive elements under tight deadlines. The
             field is one in which people love it and thrive, or hate it and leave
             with very little gray in the industry. The public relation specialists
             of the current industry must be constantly aware of global trends,
             differences in publicity and advertising, proactive PR planning and
             reactive crisis management as well as public trends. Synthesize the
             course learning by describing the impact of positive and negative PR
             in your daily life and provide at least two examples of each
             There are several key strategies in the global trends of the public
             relations field today including the use of technology, diversity, and
             proactive moves(Annual, 2003). The technological boom of the last four
             decades has provided public relation specialists with abilities never
             before dreamed possible. With the click of a mouse they can have
             information sent out worldwide. The global trend is to depend more on
             modern technology and less on the carefully planned press conference
             and print ads of years in the past. While this can be a positive
             element in the public relations industry it can also be problematic,
             by way of speed in dissemination of undesirable information. This is
             when the crisis reaction management can come into play. While the
             current trend is to maintain a proactive public relations attitude,
             with anticipating the desires of the public for knowledge and feeding
             it to them in positive lights, when something goes out to the w...

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Public Relations. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:49, September 21, 2024, from