The definition of sexual or intimate relationships throughout the
last 60 years has not changed, but the self imposed, and cultural
boundaries have undergone a revolution. Behavior which was once culturally
ostracized is now considered a healthy part of expressing one's own sexual
identity. Cultural boundaries regarding homosexual relationship, as well
as self - fulfilling sexual behavior are no longer pushed out of the modern
mind, or hidden in the closet. Our post modern world has moved
significantly away from defining personal completion as what a person gives
to another in a relationship toward defining self completion and
satisfaction as what a person receives from another. This shift takes the
power regarding our own fulfillment out of another's hands, and keeps the
ultimate responsibility for our own happiness in our own control.
Many voices have contributed to the shift in sexual attitudes, and
among the first were Bertrand Russell. His agnostic input challenged
traditional mores of his time to consider that sexual expression was as
normal, and as necessary as eating. He chided those who held traditional
judeo-christian views on sex, and labeled them as hypocrites, who desired
to control others sexual practices while secretly indulging themselves.
"Those who stimulate the appeals to harry prostitutes and those
who secure legislation nominally against the White Slave Traffic, but
really against voluntary and decent extra-marital relations; those who
denounce women for short skirts and lipsticks; and those who spy upon
sea beaches in the hopes of discovering inadequate bathing costumes,
are none of them supposed to be the victims of a sexual obsession. Yet
in fact they probably suffer much more in this way than do writers who
advocate greater sexual freedom. Fierce morality is generally a
reaction agains...