
             To understand why a belief in criminological positivism and a faith in
             rehabilitation and a welfare characterized crime control has formed in the
             modern era, there are two major issues to consider. One is the lack of
             humane conditions that are presently provided in prison systems and the
             other is the degree of rehabilitation that prisons can and should
             facilitate to cope with prison populations that are swelling beyond
             control. Rehabilitation to avoid incarceration in the first place or to
             reduce the likelihood that inmates will return to prison after their
             release is the best possible solution.
             According to Human Rights Watch (Human rights watch prison project),
             prisoners suffer from physical mistreatment, excessive disciplinary
             measures, intolerable physical conditions and inadequate medical and mental
             health care. Prisons are severely overcrowded and do not have adequate
             staffing. Many local jails are unsafe, vermin-infested and lack areas
             where inmates can get exercise or fresh air. Violence by inmates and
             guards is common. Mentally ill inmates who comprise between six and
             fourteen percent of the incarcerated population do not receive adequate
             monitoring and treatment. Private prisons operate without sufficient
             control and oversight from public correctional authorities. Both prisoner-
             on-prisoner sexual abuse and sexual abuse of women is a huge problem.
             Amnesty International reported that sexual abuse of female inmates is
             rampant but said many cases go unreported for fear of retaliation. Amnesty
             reported an undetermined number of cases of prison guards who grope women
             during daily searches and who rape women. Amnesty also found some prison
             guards sell female prisoners as sex slaves to male inmates (Ruggiero,
             Even most those who argue that prisons should punish prisoners would
             agree that prisoners need to be provided with humane living conditions. In

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Crime. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 10:32, September 21, 2024, from