Ritual or Practice

             The Holy Month of Ramazan, which starts after the crescent of the
             novel moon is spotted, is believed to be the most blessed Islamic
             observances for the reason that it scripts the month in which Allah (Muslim
             God) opened the Holy Qur'an (the divine book of Muslims) to Prophet
             Muhammad (p.b.u.h). This is the month in which, it is believed by Muslims,
             the gates of heavens are kept open, while the gates of hell are clogged and
             Satan is kept back in chains (Ali, 1949).
             Ramazan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Refraining from
             consumption, ingestion as well as sexual contact amid dawn and dusk is
             basically the ways to accomplish the spiritual practice, however, it is
             surely not the ends. Each and every Ramazan carries novel insights, as well
             as implications for the truthful (Unknown, 1957).
             The chief reason of fasting is clarified in the Qur'an as "so that you
             may attain taqwa or God-consciousness". Fasting is therefore yet one more
             implement for bringing the Muslims nearer to the expected state, their
             condition of fitrah and for purification of this state from defiance and
             Ramazan is a month of sensitive loyalty. In it, Salaat (prayer) is
             acted upon with superior strength. It is a phase of concentrated
             manifestation and loyalty, looking for leadership and pardon, and
             understanding the Qur'an. Ramazan is a large occasion to get nearer to the
             blessed direction of the Qur'an, which was revealed in this month, fourteen
             hundred years ago. Ramazan is furthermore, described as the month of the
             The month of Ramazan is a chance to expand and build up character of
             patience and self-control, to manage annoyance and a scorching or hateful
             language. Ramazan is an occasion to stimulate sympathy and harmony with
             others and especially with the underprivileged. The Musl...

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Ritual or Practice. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 10:48, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200374.html