Ethical Issues Involved

             Based on the problem that the members of our team are involved, about
             having a team member who does not render the necessary cooperation, and who
             have tendencies of lying about team reports, the ethical issues that
             surround this situation is Team Building Etiquette and Team Honesty.
             The main principle behind any creation of a team is to have each member
             participate on every task, or perform a division of a large task, in which
             the summation of all the tasks each member has completed is an entirety of
             one common goal. In every team, cooperation and unity are essential
             factors to successfully achieve common objectives. Team building, which
             can undergo processes such as team meetings or workshops, allows
             presentation and collection of ideas that can soon provide accurate set-up
             and focus towards common goals. It is only ethical that each team member
             bear a responsibility of doing his part for the success of his group.
             In the class situation that we have, however, the ethical value of
             cooperation and responsibility is missing in our co-member who did not
             attend and participate in our team meetings and activities. As part of a
             team, it is only proper that he must contribute to the tasks our team is
             required to complete, for our team's success is his success and its failure
             is also his failure. Should we attain achievements, with him having shared
             no task or contribution at all, it would unethical for him to reap from a
             success in which he did not provide any of his cooperation.
             Another unethical conduct the affected learning team member tries to put on
             our team is dishonesty. Being a part of a team, any wrongdoing he lays in
             our group will reflect on our whole team itself. His dishonesty in wanting
             to produce a false team log is equivalent to a dishonesty of our entire team.
             It is my responsibility to myself to decide what is the best thing I could

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Ethical Issues Involved. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:52, September 21, 2024, from