The Search for Paradise

             Shakespeare and Marvell, both hint at the idea of a golden world or
             Paradise in their works "The Tempest" and "The Garden" respectively. The
             Tempest was written by Shakespeare in 1623 and is considered to be unique
             as it includes all aspects of comedy, tragedy and romance. The main
             character of this play is Prospero, the Duke of Milan who is overthrown
             from his kingdom by his brother Antonio. An attempt to take his life lands
             him and his daughter on an island. This island is uninhabited except for
             an evil monster and Caliban. Prospero takes control of the island and uses
             magic to do as he pleases. Caliban tries to overthrow Prospero but using
             his magic, Prospero enslaves Caliban and ensures total control. He also
             then works out a plan to take revenge from his brother for plotting against
             him. The interesting element about this play is the character of Prospero.
             Even though his brother plots against him, it is somehow always Prospero,
             who through his magical prowess makes his brother do what he wants.
             The island is what triggers the concept of Paradise or a better world
             in his play "The Tempest". The island is where Prospero envisions numerous
             possibilities; it is for him a place of magic, a place where he can control
             and do as he pleases. The island for Prospero is the Garden of Eden and he
             is God. The feeling of the island being paradise and his ideal world can
             be depicted from the ending of this play when Prospero, who is obsessed
             with taking revenge from his brother, actually forgives him for dethroning
             him. Although he works very hard to work out his revenge, in the end he
             decides to forgive the culprit for the conspiracy against him. His
             intention to harm his brother is obvious nevertheless his faith and peace
             with the concept of this island as his paradise is what enables him It is

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The Search for Paradise. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:57, September 21, 2024, from