One of the most prosperous careers to embark on is a career in Management.
Management encompasses a wide-ranging field that typically involves
oversight of one critical area of an organization, including customer
service (JobWeb, 2003). Customer Service Managers carry many of the same
responsibilities as managers in other areas of an organization, including
marketing, sales, finance and administration (JobWeb, 2003). Typically
managers are middle level, general managers or top level executives in any
organization. A successful career as a customer service manager will entail
Customer Service Mangers often take on the unique responsibility of
managing both internal and external customers. Internal customers may be
considered employees and other management representatives within an
organization. External customers include anyone an organization interacts
with, whether business associates, clients or the general public. This
position requires particularly solid communication and negotiation skills.
In some situations, the career path to customer service management may also
require advanced training and education. The outlook for the future of
customer service managers remains strong, despite a weak economy. Customer
service is one field that typically has remained strong despite
fluctuations in the employment rate. Any organization, irrespective of
industry, requires key individuals to manage customer service issues,
complaints and objectives. The outlook is expected to remain positive for
several years. The scope of the position, skills required for success and
general responsibilities are discussed in detail below.
Part of the duties of management in any field or area include development
of departmental plans, establishment of goals, development of procedures
related to customer service, reporting, budgeting and establishment or
enforcement of policies related to employee goa...