Over the counter drugs and household chemicals

             Name 6 over-the-counter products (OTC) that contain:
             Antihistamines: any of various compounds that counteract histamine
             in the body and that are used for treating allergic reactions (as hay
             fever) and cold symptoms (Merriam- Webster Online, 2003).
             The previous 6 over-the-counter medications are considered
             antihistamines according to the definition because they all counteract
             histamine and are typically the choice at the drugstore in the cold
             Cough Suppressant: this helps with a persistent annoying cough. It
             acts by suppressing the cough reflex in the throat and lungs so that the
             mucous or irritation there won't trigger coughing. There are no likely
             side effects. (AskDrSears.com, 2003).
             These are considered cough suppressants because they attempt to
             temporarily relieve the symptoms of cough and dry and itchy results of
             Nasal Decongestant: help if you suffer from common nasal allergy
             symptoms such as a stuffy, runny nose and red and watery eyes. These
             medications are generally available in many forms including pills, liquid-
             These drugs are considered nasal decongestants because they help to
             relieve the stuffy nose and head symptoms of common allergies.
             Antibacterial Drugs: chemical substance derivable from a mold or
             bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections.
             These are considered antibacterial drugs because they are prescribed
             by a doctor when a patient has a nasty cold caused by bacteria that can
             be cured with a chemical derived from mold.
             Antiviral Drugs: Drugs used to create infections caused by viruses.
             This is shown most commonly in the every-year flu epidemic. Every

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Over the counter drugs and household chemicals. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:32, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200478.html