This is a lab report on Drug Analysis-Thin Layer Chromatography

             Objective: To detect the separation and tentative identification of
             components present in mixtures by using thin layer chromatography.
             Materials and Methods/Procedures: A thin layer plate was obtained and a
             baseline was drawn in pencil approximately 1.5 cm from the bottom of the
             plate. Seven equidistant spots were marked and labeled on the baseline.
             Six samples were obtained and using a new capillary tube for each sample, a
             spot of each drug solution was placed on the appropriate mark on the
             chromatography plate. The spots were allowed to dry, and one drop of the
             five drug samples were spotted on the mark labeled mixture'. The mark
             labeled unknown' was spotted with the unknown sample a couple of times.
             The plate was placed in a prepared solvent chamber', and when the solvent
             moved up the plate ¾ of the way, the plate was removed and allowed to dry.
             The plate was then examined under short wavelength ultraviolet light.
             Results: After observing the plate, the drug present in the Unknown sample
             was identified as Phenacetine. The spots observed in the "Mixture" were
             compared to the spots of each individual drug and it was noted that the
             unknown #6, identified as Phenacetine, was the only spot to match with the
             number 7 mixture. Spot #1-caffeine, and spot #5-quinine were noted to be
             Discussion: When using thin layer chromatography to observe spots of
             individual drugs it was noted that most of the drugs were not level or were
             Conclusion: Thin layer chromatography allowed the student to determine
             what the unknown drug was by running spots of the sample with known drug
             samples on the same plate, and then comparing the results. This also
             prevented any uncertainties which could have been caused by variations in

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This is a lab report on Drug Analysis-Thin Layer Chromatography. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:38, September 21, 2024, from