This is a lab report on Lead Detection and Toxicity

             Objective: To detect lead in samples that are at least 1% lead.
             Materials and Methods/Procedures: 0.5 ml of 6M nitric acid was placed in
             a test tube, 1.0 g of sample paint chips were added, and the test tube was
             placed in a beaker of boiling water for 15-20 minutes to dissolve the lead.
             10-20 ml of acetic acid was placed on pottery, the pottery was allowed to
             stand for an hour, the solution was poured into a test tube, which was then
             placed in a beaker of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. The test tubes were
             carefully removed and 7-8 ml of fresh 1% sodium sulfite was added to
             neutralize additional acid. The samples were allowed to cool, the
             precipitate was allowed to settled ,and a couple of drops of 0.1 M
             potassium iodine were added to the samples. A raw egg was separated, the
             white was placed in a beaker, 10 drops of the white were placed in a watch
             glass, 1 ml (20 drops) of the lead acetate solution was applied, and
             results recorded. Three people collected 1 ml of saliva in clean test
             tubes, the saliva was combined in a 25 ml graduated cylinder, the test
             tubes were rinsed with 5 ml of pH 7 buffer solution, poured into the
             graduated cylinder with the saliva, enough pH7 buffer was added until the
             volume was 25 ml, and the mixture was stirred well. Five clean test tubes
             were labeled, 5 ml of the saliva solution was added to tubes #2-5, while 5
             ml of pH 7 buffer was placed in tube #1. 1 ml of the lead acetate
             solution was added to tube #3-5, and observed for a reaction after 10
             minutes, while 1ml of pH buffer was added to tubes #1, #2 and #4. Next,
             10 ml of 1% starch solution was added to tubes #1, #4, and #5, and observed
             after 10 minutes, while 10 ml of distilled water was added to tubes #2 and
             #3. 5 ml of iodine solution was added to all 5 tubes, and after 15
             seconds, the reactions were observed and recorded, and the solutions were

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This is a lab report on Lead Detection and Toxicity. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:59, September 21, 2024, from