Underground Railroad

             Throughout the United States, free Blacks were treated as social
             lived in the North or the South, and they were denied legal and political
             whites. In addition, public facilities such as hotels, bathrooms, and
             separated by the concept of "de jure" segregation, or segregation by law.
             rebel, Nat Turner led some eighty-plus slaves to a revolt in Virginia, and
             terrified slave owners throughout the South. Social and political controls
             became tighter, and the beatings and lynching of attempted slave uprisings
             throughout the mid 1800's in the South.
             Of course, racism was ubiquitous in the U.S. at the time, not merely
             fact, even after the progressive abolition movements of the 1830's, free
             only vote in four New England states, and with the exception of
             couldn't testify anywhere in court cases that involved whites. They were
             passports and even denied citizenship after the landmark 1857 U.S. Supreme
             when Dred Scott tried to claim legal ownership of himself. Even free
             had to carry certificates of manumission in order to prove to white
             had been indeed granted freedom. Consequently, free Blacks in the South
             identified with the travails of slaves, and some forged a bond that would
             the Civil War and the ultimate abolition of all slave institutions.
             In the 1830's, Black newspapers such as the "Freedman's Journal" and
             Star, founded by Frederick Douglass (in 1847) gave Black writers a chance
             slavery, advocate resistance, and voice their movement for liberation. As
             States gained new territories out west, slavery came to the forefront of

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Underground Railroad. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 02:39, September 21, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200532.html